I'm sorry, I missed that. I couldn't hear you over American Idle. Come back during a commercial.
Kill yourself!
I'm sorry, I missed that. I couldn't hear you over American Idle. Come back during a commercial.
Overweight (sic) has got nothing to do w/ it ... as far as pilots go -- I was told early on the best ones were gray or bald.
I laughed in my youthful ignorance ... and later became a believer.
No ... I'm quite certain the two occurring simultaneously was purely coincidental.Was that when you yourself became gray?
I dunno ... when I was being interviewed by my first airline -- PSA, a.k.a. "Poor Sailor Airline" out of San Dog then ... we were screened at the same time as a bunch of STEW candidates ---- and in case you are wondering, they were SoCal goddesses -- each & every one.
The only way management could pick & choose between the beautiful and extremely beautiful was to line 'em up in the hall next to the wall --- pick up a flashlight, walk the line and shine it in one ear -- if the light shinned all the way through to the wall -- they weren't hired. If it didn't -- they were ....
*sigh* ... again, civilization.
Steve, I think you must have shotgunned that 6-pack on the way home It was definitely great to see that the airline considers appearance as an important part of perosnality! I always get tired of hearing people say "she has a great personality" as a "selling point". It's like trying to sell someone a Puma and telling them it has a great kitchen! The male pysche is programmed to find the most attractive mate because of the offspring that they will produce. This "natural selection" of the most attractive mate has underlying benefits of health and intelligence, the reason beauty is associated with both. So the next time one of you single guys gets accused of being shallow, tell the accuser you are participating in natural selection and protecting your DNA. +1 to India for having cahones.DISSERTATION..........Now I’m gonna kick back, drink a beer, eat some chicken, and watch “The Bridges at Toko-Ri” for the umpteenth time.