Did a little research. Turns out there are two FLPP categories, FLPP I and FLPP II.
FLPP I is a "career linguist", i.e. enlisted CTI. rates go from 100 to 300 bucks.
FLPP II is "others" (like me, man, I always fall into that "others" category...) 50-100 bucks.
Odds are, if you are a URL officer, and you get language training, you'll be a FLPP II. Not trying to be a broken record, but you guys need to understand, you have to be in a billet that requires use of a foreign language. Granted, if you're a Corpus or Kingsville bubba, maybe you could argue the necessity of being bilingual...I keed...
For reference, in my class of 18, no one scored a 3/3/3 (reading, listening, speaking). I pulled a 2 speaking, 2+listening, and 3 reading. Bottom line for me, extra 75 bucks a month. I'm required to requal once a year.
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