Correct me if I wrong, but it is to my understanding the the IDC boards are sponsored and overseen by NNWC (Naval Network Warfare Command) personnel. With that being said, why are billets not being allocated via NNWC instead of NRC as you mentioned in a previous thread... Does NNWC have additional billets available not including the one's utilized for CNRC applicants that may become NPQ for aviation?
Good question, the billet allocation actually comes from NPC based on the needs of the USN, NPC tells NRC what their cut is and in turn NRC tells the board (the IDC guys) how many they should select so that that goal can be met. NNWC does not have any additional, it is all via NRC.
This past year just like previouse years as it gets close to the end of the FY people that were thought to be say FY 13 are moved to FY 14 due to redesignatons that cause NRC to meet a goal earlier than expected.
Don't think of it as NRC numbers, think of it as IDC officers commissioned via OCS.
also, I believe those that redesignate at OCS have to be signed off of by the board as well, everyone at OCS is a CNRC applicant, even those a community board says yes if a requirement isn't met they can turn someone away.