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Iran Launches Satellite


Super Moderator
It appears that Iran was successful in launching its first indigenously-produced satellite and space launch vehicle.

Omid launched on Safir

For those of you who are not space history buffs, Sputnik was carried into space by a modified SS-6 Sapwood (R-7 Semyorka) ICBM and the Mercury astronauts were propelled by Redstone (a modified MRBM) and Atlas (a modified ICBM) rockets. Just sayin'........


Well-Known Member
I thought the Israelis would have done something about this by now...


Working Plan B
Yeah, and China "has attack satelites!" as a collegial colleague of mine once put it in a debate... ;)

We're so proud of them; all on their own!


Registered Member
I see no reason why any country with the means cannot launch a satellite into outer-space.

And, who gives a rat's a** about what Israel thinks about it? We need to cut them off of the American-teat and bid them farewell, IMHO. :icon_rage They can take care of themselves or find another sucker to do their dirty work.


Who really wants to deal with Isreal? I think we are the only ones for now. I doubt we will ever change our position on Israel.
There is no way their military can fight 2 (Iran and Palestine)wars without outside support.


Solidly part of the 42%.
[clicking heals] Not another Isreal thread, not another Isreal thread, not another Isreal thread...

In case it wasn't terrifically clear, Iran launching a satellite = Iran has the means to reach out and touch America. Add nuclear weapons and Hello Cold War Part Deux. Only this one won't be so cold bcause Iran isn't Russia and Radical Islam isn't Communism.

On to the wonky, nerdy part. Despite the fact that it is in fact "space" there really is very little "space" for more JUNK in low, medium, and high orbits. Very soon, if it hasn't been started already, somebody is going to have to step in and start marshaling all this stuff. If I were in charge I'd figure out some way to either restrict people from sending their crap there because I own it or charge a huge amount of money to fit it in there because I control it. Mainfest Destiny anyone?


Low calorie attack from the Heartland
And just how are you going to restrict their access to space? Deploy a magic energy shield over the entire country? Use Star Wars lasers to shoot down their launch boosters? Spend a trillion dollars building some cloak-and-dagger missile defense system?

"Manifest Destiny"????? Give me a break dude... we're not controlling space, we're just polluting it faster than anyone else.

We SHOULD be focusing on their nuclear weapons program.


Crusty Shellback
Iran is just a squirrel trying to get a nut. The only thing I personally find crazy is how they want to develope this stuff..but their populace control and just general governance is so backasswards..

Talked to my aunt the other day. My grandma in Iran has glaucoma...took her 4 hours to see a doc. He saw something like 72 patients in that 4 hours she said. Yet they want to launch satellites.

So IMO I think it's hilarious (the satellite launch) instead of worrisome.


Former SWO
Talked to my aunt the other day. My grandma in Iran has glaucoma...took her 4 hours to see a doc. He saw something like 72 patients in that 4 hours she said. Yet they want to launch satellites.

So IMO I think it's hilarious (the satellite launch) instead of worrisome.

They're not the only country that often puts the cart before the horse. I'd say every country has some instance of sheer bass-ackwardsness.


We'll go ahead and send you the bill, unless the UN wants to bail us out on that one.
UN receives funds and troops from member nations, so who would pay most of the bill anyways? :icon_tong

Talked to my aunt the other day. My grandma in Iran has glaucoma...took her 4 hours to see a doc. He saw something like 72 patients in that 4 hours she said. Yet they want to launch satellites.

So IMO I think it's hilarious (the satellite launch) instead of worrisome.
That sucks, but it could be worse. At least she wasn't denied by 14 or more hospitals.