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Iran Launches Satellite


Well-Known Member
Talked to my aunt the other day. My grandma in Iran has glaucoma...took her 4 hours to see a doc. He saw something like 72 patients in that 4 hours she said. Yet they want to launch satellites.

All jokes aside, sounds like Canada. :(


Super Moderator
In case it wasn't terrifically clear, Iran launching a satellite = Iran has the means to reach out and touch America.

Actually that is not necessarily the case. You don't have to have an ICBM-class missile/space launch vehicle in order to put something in orbit, especially if the payload is small. The examples I cited were to show that the Safir could probably be made into a ballistic missile, but that does not mean they will do it or that it would be an ICBM. A lot remains to be seen.

On to the wonky, nerdy part. Despite the fact that it is in fact "space" there really is very little "space" for more JUNK in low, medium, and high orbits. Very soon, if it hasn't been started already, somebody is going to have to step in and start marshaling all this stuff.

Yes and no. There is a lot of junk up there but for LEO, where most of the stuff is, the 'big sky, little plane' rule still applies. We are not going to run out of room there anytime soon. The only place where there is very limited space right now is in the geostationary orbit, where the slots are divvied up by country and disputes are settled through the International Telecommunication Union.


Super Moderator
All jokes aside, sounds like Canada. :(

Yeah, right. :icon_roll

My wife and her family was/are a lifelong user/consumer of Canadian health care and have had very few of the problems that are widely reported as fact down here.


Well-Known Member
Being the half-Canadian that I am, I have personal experience with Canada's health care system. Once you get old enough, they stop making you a priority. It took my grandfather months to get an MRI scheduled in Vancouver for two reasons. First, they only had one MRI in the region and two he was too old to be a priority. One MRI in a city that big?

I went to a doctor in LA a couple years ago for a potential stress fracture and he sent me downstairs for an MRI on the spot without any prior reservations.

Maybe things are better in the past couple years, I don't know. But my experience has told me that socialized medicine isn't a good idea.

Want a more recent example? My friend in London had to goto the dentist for terrible tooth pain -- they told him to wait three months because they were so backlogged.

I mean, if you want Hillarycare, that's your choice. But I don't want it forced on me without some sort of debate by our representatives. I would rather be able to pay three grand of my own hard earned cash to get PRK than ask the gov't for permission and a que number.


Super Moderator
With the wife's family is still in Vancouver that is definitely not the case with them, and her parents are well past retirement age.

It ain't all good, there are definite bads, but it ain't the craptastic system that many claim it is.

Either way, the Canucks don't waste their money on a propaganda rocket.