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Iran Nukes


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
IRfly said:
Big credibility issue. Iran has huge oil reserves and the largest (or 2nd largest after Russia, I can't remember) natural gas reserves in the world. Nuclear power is several times more expensive as an "energy source." And again, if it's so innocent, why didn't they just keep us all updated all along?
Concur with Squeeze. There are lots of reasons to want/have nuke power vice petroleum based. We probably shouldn't be automatically against Iran's desire to have nuke power provided that their fuel cycle operations are "managed" so they don't use it for weapons. Nuke power, if done right, is cheaper and cleaner than the alternatives.



Copilot, actually.
zippy said:
This is probably a simplification of things but this might help.....

Good explanation, and I don't think you oversimplified it too much. If we take certain assumptions about who's responsible then it becomes much more understandable. Thanks!


Registered User
Brett327 said:
Concur with Squeeze. There are lots of reasons to want/have nuke power vice petroleum based. We probably shouldn't be automatically against Iran's desire to have nuke power provided that their fuel cycle operations are "managed" so they don't use it for weapons. Nuke power, if done right, is cheaper and cleaner than the alternatives.


"Physician, heal thyself." Wait a second...Now we want Iran to have a full-blown nuclear program in the interest of environmental conservationism? When we can't even do it here in the U.S.? After all, we're the ones that burn oil and coal and have kissed off nuclear power. By the way, Iran's primary power fuel would probably be natural gas (clean and cheap for them) while they would export their petroleum.


Retired Harrier Dude
Super Moderator
I don't see why the fact that since we have a largely ignorant populace (when it comes to nuke power) that is rather vocal about their dislike of nuclear power and a firmly entrenched oil/gas/coal lobby fattening up politicians wallets we should protest others who aren't so regressive in their views.

/look, I just made both the far right and far left look stupid in one run-on sentence... call me a hippie now.


Registered User
squeeze said:
I don't see why the fact that since we have a largely ignorant populace (when it comes to nuke power) that is rather vocal about their dislike of nuclear power and a firmly entrenched oil/gas/coal lobby fattening up politicians wallets we should protest others who aren't so regressive in their views.

/look, I just made both the far right and far left look stupid in one run-on sentence... call me a hippie now.

HIPPIE!!! Just kidding... right about the ignorant populace...But it's just that--more ignorance than an active dislike of nuclear power (there are a few beatniks who hate the atom, but not many). The active opposition to nuclear power comes more from the fossil fuel companies, who with the current government have their way with, well, just about everything.


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
IRfly said:
"Physician, heal thyself." Wait a second...Now we want Iran to have a full-blown nuclear program in the interest of environmental conservationism? When we can't even do it here in the U.S.? After all, we're the ones that burn oil and coal and have kissed off nuclear power. By the way, Iran's primary power fuel would probably be natural gas (clean and cheap for them) while they would export their petroleum.
Like I said, if done right. The momentum in this country has been against long term waste storage facilities, but that doesn't mean that we couldn't do it or even that it's difficult. We've been behind the power curve on nuke power in the US for a long time, but I suspect that that trend will reverse itself. Now, I'm no Hippie like Squeeze ;) on environmental issues, but Nuke power is arguably a global warming friendly source of power. Chose your poison, I guess. I'm also not one that believes that the oil supply will run out any time soon either. I could write a dissertation on that but, I'll spare you the details. There IS an interest in decreasing foreign dependance, as well as providing new sources for some of the electricity intensive alternatives to gas powered cars (hydrogen/electric/etc). Discovery of fusion power notwithstanding, nuke power seems to fit that bill pretty well.


Fly Navy

...Great Job!
Super Moderator
I'm thoroughly convinced that those who are against Nuclear Power get their education in nuclear power through The Simpsons. Fact of the matter is, the general populace and most politicians are completely ignorant and uneducated when it comes to nuclear power and nuclear physics. It's not THAT tough a subject, not at the basic level that even the general population lacks.