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Iran to Hold Holocaust Conference


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mkoch said:
Although, if North Korea were to use a nuke (offensively or in retaliation to invasion) I'm pretty sure all the top ten targets would be in South Korea.
The North hates Japan a lot more then the South. In fact, nuking the South makes no sense at all. Assuming KJI is rational, which most folks who study the region agree upon, he's not going to nuke anyone, but at night, he dreams of incinerating Japan - their perennial foe.



Well-Known Member
Another thing to look into with Iranian Nukes is they unlike the US and Russians will never have enough weapons for MAD. So yeah, I think they are going for a trump card.

A couple nukes isnt good enough to "Hold the world Hostage" but it works really well to keep people to mind thier own buisness. Its sorta like holding a gun on a crowd of people trying to jump you, yeah theirs a lot more of them then you have bullets, but some of them know they are gonna pay in blood to make you comply. So it becomes a game of is this really worth it.

Also I dont believe the Iranians would be crazy enough to actually nuke the Israeli's or us for that matter. Yes the country and the people hate them and us with a passion, but at the level of the political powers that control those weapons they are smart enough to see that terrorism with B/C/N weapons would be instant death to any regime that sponsored it. They only have to look next door to see what happens when a Super Power believes that you are sponsoring weapons to be used against it, much less if a bomb actually went off. Also the Israeli's arent really known for taking things up politically when they feel threatened, just look at Osirack.


Super Moderator
joboy666 said:
I fear you think them more civilized than they are...if they were "smart" they would have kept the US on their side against israel...but instead they bombed the US...then london and previously in other embassies etc...which essentially turned the entire western world against them. They had support for their campaigns against Israel until they bombed the US and then Americans began to understand what Israelis feel on a daily basis and our minds started to change...so by no means is Iran smart...they will create these weapons and I believe use them without a second thought. That is their nature and their belief...that it is right....in their minds...do not analyze them in a western way when their culture and ideologies are the exact opposite of the western world's culture and ideologies..

my .02

Since when were we with Iran against Israel? If you are talking about Lebanon in the early 80's, there was large scale objection in the western world against Israel's invasion (especially after Sara and Shatila incident where Israeli troops let Christian militiamen kill a couple hundred Palestinians), but by no means were we ever supporters of Iran and Hezbollah.

Maybe if your paragraph was something other than a constant stream of consciousness.....and what is with the screen name joyboy666, seems a little satanic to me :confused: .