Enjoy it man. Time off is awesome.
And to those lucky enough to get this deal, highly recommend backpacking Europe if you can swing it. I only got a few days there, but tons of stuff and trouble to get into.
Let the little guy lead huh? :icon_zbee... and ended up in Amsterdam....
Just a heads-up, USAA has been making frequent changes regarding their career-starter loan.
Information on their website is conflicting with what is actually true.
The latest info I've heard /directly/ from USAA is that the loan may now be taken out 12 months prior to commissioning, instead of 18, with repayments beginning at 3, with a possible waiver to extend it to 5-6.
The Navy has never put kids from NROTC straight into IRR before. It's unprecedented. It sucks. Unfortunately, there's jack shit anyone can do about it.
Like A4s said, things could be worse. It's only 4 months, and it completely blows that there are no pay or "bennies." Yes, you'll be sitting around with your thumb up your ass. Thankfully, they gave you a date that you'll start getting paid again. My advice is to find a part-time job, get in shape, and chase tail. God knows there isn't any sane trim in Pcola.
Keep your chin up like a Naval Officer should, bite that big shit sandwich, and ride out the four months. It'll be worth it in the end.
Good luck.
You're in seperate commissioning programs. If you read the fine print, midshipmen can take out the loans really far out. Those on AD and in commissioning programs (BDCP, NUPOC, etc) cant take out the loan until only a few months before they graduate.
Don't ever say the Navy has "never" done something. I was commissioned in 1991 (post Desert Storm draw-down) and we were 'encouraged' to select IRR for about 6 months since we have a year to wait to start API.
Some of us elected to take the encouraged IRR, two that I know were told that their orders would be cut at graduation but had a gap of 5 months until they reported for stash duty at NASC.
Touche', Lumpy. However, it sounds like you had an "option" to exercise with regards to IRR. Doesn't sound like these guys get the choice. Slight difference. Stinks either way, and I'll be sure to curb my blanket statements.