xmid got the run around from that enlisted recruiter, plain and simple. It's also plain and simple BS. The gouge on this sight is good, don't play around with that enlisted recruiter tool. Go to an NROTC Unit and talk to an officer or contact the Naval Recruiting District to get in to contact with an Officer Programs Officer. xmid needs to keep advocating for himself and not take any BS from enlisted recruiters. That's outrageous treatment he received. That "enlist and try for OCS after a couple of years" is decades old BS, literally decades old. I can't count the number of times I've heard sailors convey that same exact BS that they got from their recruiter. Don't believe it. xmid should aim straight for OCS. I'm still steamed about that recruiter tool. And I don't subscribe to the notion that he's only doing his job. He was a tool to treat xmid as was portrayed by xmid.