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Is ODU NROTC good?


Boldly lick where no one has licked before
I highly reccomend that you make your choice of school based on the quality and fit of the school itself and not the ROTC unit.

Thats right, you must pick your school based on the quality of it's football program, because you want to be able ot trash talk with the best of them once in the fleet! :tongue2_1

Just ask all the Penn State grads on here. :D


New Member
Anyone know the size of PSU's NROTC?

Also how does getting accepted go? Is it a hard 'program' to get into for a starting 3rd year student?


Next guy to ask about thumbdrives gets shot.
@ greysword - Are you trying to get us fired up or something? Don't make us start more threads about College Football and then expand on how wrong everyone not from Penn State is about everything etc etc...

@ Rabo - last I checked it was around 175 students. Use the contact information (available online at navy.rotc.psu.edu...) to get in touch with the program coordinator for information on joining.

As far as getting in... there is a two your program you can do. I graduated with one guy who did it that way.


FY-07 STA-21 Pilot Selectee
Hey dont get me wrong I am from Pennsylvania, and I am all about Penn State football, but I think I will be going to college elsewere.


Registered User
ODU has a GREAT NROTC unit from what I've heard. My NROTC Lieutenant class advisor here at VMI commisioned from ODU NROTC (he was prior enlisted), and he's an excellent officer. Also, check out VMI, we got a great NROTC unit here and you'll learn a lot at this school. If your thinking about visiting ODU, defenitly consider checking out VMI, you can drop by anytime for a tour, or you can sign up for an open house program to visit and stay overnight (compleltly free). www.vmi.edu for more info.