I've been in a club that required 3 every 60 days
Here's an itemized list of what it cost me to finish my PPL.
I think we've been in the same club
I've been in a club that required 3 every 60 days
Here's an itemized list of what it cost me to finish my PPL.
More than $20 for flight instruction is ridiculous at the PPL level.
I haven't seen instructor fees at $20 for several years. I don't think $30-$35 is unreasonable considering the average CFI has spent a couple of years worth of college tuition paying for ratings. In fact, it's about time CFIs are getting paid a rate commensurate with the responsibility involved. My CFI checkride was on par pain-in-the-ass wise as just about any military flight check.
That said, there aren't a whole lot of instructors who's teaching is worth $35/hr, but a good CFI is worth far more than that. Personally, I think the acceptable rates charged for instruction should directly related to how long you've been instructing. (i.e. 1-3 years =$20, 3-5 years = $30, etc).
Unfortunately, just about every school charges at least $30-35/hr and the CFI only sees about $16-$18 of that.
Sorry for the rambling...
The Chief Flight Instructor where I got my first job had 10,000 hours of Cessna 150 time and was a horrible intructor, ...
a retired USAF Col. who flew in the Berlin Airlift and knew his stuff.
best deal in the countryAnd our T34 is 100 and hour, wet. Good stuff.
I'm paying $30/hr for CFI, and $72 an hour for a C150. I've got around 14 hours and have spent total, about $1400 thus far.
Look into getting a Sport Pilot rating, if you can find a school near you that has Light Sport Aircraft. You can do it much quicker, and cheaper.
I'm currently flying an Evektor SportStar (which is an LSA), and it's way more fun than any Cessna 172.
best deal in the country