I agree with your overall point, but maybe we should consider those who are talented and could have made it (i.e. DH selects that opted out at their 10-11 year mark) but chose to leave.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but is that not the point of the article? Some people just don't want to DH or go to CO/XO. We lose tremendous talent. We could still find a way to filter out the wheat from the chaff, but there has to be a way to retain some of our top talent in the cockpit.
For this Jan 31st highwater, our #1 EP wants to go to the airlines and our #2 wants to leave for Federal Law Enforcement. How can we retain them? My CO charged the DH's with "show the JO's how much fun you're having," and I really do try to keep a good attitude - I still love flying - I love the ready room, I pay my mess dues and do the mandatory fun (that more often than not I enjoy), I take the ribbing from the JOs (largely deserved!), but when they see me and some of my peers staying till 2100-2200 or coming in on weekends, they don't want to do it. So, perhaps we could find a middle ground for those who don't want to promote but we retain as top talent. Some people will still want to promote and be DH/XO/CO. Let's just find a way to keep those who are in the middle ground of "talented, but not looking for increased responsibility."
Edit: I see
@Gatordev made a very similar point and you responded.