Basically, the reason I am trying to figure this out is because I went through MEPS with a Marine Corps OSO, but I got turned away. Then, I started talking to a Navy officer recruiter, who got my paper work from the OSO and told me I was good to go with the Navy, I just needed to get selected. I submitted my package last April and did not get selected.
Now I am about to re-submit this month, but I read somewhere that "typically, waivers are submitted with your package." I wanted to find out if this was true, because I would hate to not get selected again simply because there was no waiver with my package when it should have been.
But, my recruiter doesn't seem to know whether or not I need to apply for a waiver 1st, and I have been waiting for him to find out. He did tell me that nuclear program applicants do need waivers 1st. But I'm applying for pilot.
I know that I will need a waiver for my previous usage and arrest, and I know that I need to communicate to them how I feel about drugs now, but I just can't figure out who decides on the waiver. Is it the medical people, or the selection board, or someone else? Does anyone know? I can't figure out why it's such a mystery.