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Islamic Infiltrators?


Super Moderator
I don't believe he was stationed in Jordan or the middle east. There was no mention of being a dual citizen in any news article I read. And although not a crime, how can it permissible to hold dual citizenship and have a TS or higher clearance. I don't dismiss your analysis. But where is the official investigation/dismissal of the appearance of malfeasance? After Ft Hood are they still gun shy about investigating Muslims? That is my point.

The article said he was stationed in the Middle East.

It isn't permissible to be a dual citizen/hold a foreign passport and have a TS clearance but believe it or not it can be hard for US investigators to check. Other countries are under no obligation to report that to US investigators and even if they did it may not be reliable due to their own government bureaucracy and/or privacy rules. Then there is the other nation's citizenship laws, some countries will not allow you to renounce your citizenship or recognize it if you do (so yes, in a technical sense someone can still be a dual-citizen and hold a clearance but you can't actively take or use any of the privileges of the other citizenship, that includes a passport, or otherwise show 'dual loyalties'). So while they probably went the extra mile to check this guy's background, or at least they should have, it is quite believable he was able to hide the fact he had a Jordanian passport.

I am not sure what you are referring to when it comes to 'investigating Muslims'? Are you referring to clearances or investigations in general? The guy you are referring to was investigated and is in jail, it doesn't look like being Muslim was an impediment to that. If you are referring to clearances I can assure you that the investigation is thorough no matter the background, if you have a background that calls for more thorough investigation it will happen and I have seen it first-hand repeatedly.

When it comes to clearances and counterintelligence threats there are a lot more realistic threats than religion, the biggest one being simple greed mixed with ego. If we were to take religion into account then maybe we should look at Russian Orthodox and Jews in addition to Muslims since both have been factors in more recent espionage cases that were very damaging to the US.


War Hoover NFO.
Super Moderator

I am not sure what you are referring to when it comes to 'investigating Muslims'? Are you referring to clearances or investigations in general? The guy you are referring to was investigated and is in jail, it doesn't look like being Muslim was an impediment to that. If you are referring to clearances I can assure you that the investigation is thorough no matter the background, if you have a background that calls for more thorough investigation it will happen and I have seen it first-hand repeatedly.

When it comes to clearances and counterintelligence threats there are a lot more realistic threats than religion, the biggest one being simple greed mixed with ego. If we were to take religion into account then maybe we should look at Russian Orthodox and Jews in addition to Muslims since both have been factors in more recent espionage cases that were very damaging to the US.
I believe I mentioned earlier in the thread I didn't support Rep Bachmann's proposal. I don't think religion, Muslim or otherwise is reason enough to be investigate by the government. Don't imply I am a religious bigot or McCarthyite . What I was referring to was government showing TOO much deference to muslins for fear of being branded Islamaphobic. Now I am not sure what Muslim in jail you think I was referring to but who I had in mind was MAJ Hasan. It gives me no solace that NOW he is being investigated and is in jail. It is clear that the Army and FBI we more politically correct than suspicious. If you had in mind the ICE Intel supervisor Abdallat, yes, there was an investigation into fraud and he is now in jail. Fine. I am wondering where the official report is that found your assumed findings. You can't argue there isn't the appearance of something sinister. What I am afraid of is that nothing was learned from the Hasan investigation. Hasan wasn't to be dealt with more seriously because he was a muslin. Quite the opposite of persecution. It seems to me that the facts surrounding the fraud case against Abdallat warrant an espionage investigation. Not because he is Muslim, but because of the passports, huge sums of money in various overseas accounts and money transfers to the middle east. It is very possible your explanations are accurate. But with no investigation on record are we to assume it was as you say, or that there has been more tip toeing around a suspects religious motivations? If it were you or me I bet an espionage file would have been opened. But then they wouldn't have to worry about the Catholic League or the Vatican calling the FBI bigots and haters either.
I was at a formal dinner where Congresswoman Bachmann spoke. She was very personable, said all the right things, etc. She didn't make any wild statements, but she wasn't running for president at the time, just re-election.

That being said, some of her claims and beliefs are insane. I don't understand how she can say the things she does, and remain in the national political arena. *cough - Koch brothers - cough*


Old RIOs never die: They just can't fast-erect
Anyone would think that, if Rep. Bachmann has credible information supporting her allegations, she will come forward immediately and present it to whatever are the appropriate authorities. Failing to do so, on the surface, makes her no different that Joe McCarthy. We don't need to go there again.


That being said, some of her claims and beliefs are insane. I don't understand how she can say the things she does, and remain in the national political arena. *cough - Koch brothers - cough*

I feel the same way about a substantial segment of Congress. I think the answer, honestly, is that nobody is paying attention. Here's a shortlist of my favorites:

Rep King(R)- IA 4th
"When the legislation that passed in the farm bill that says that it’s a federal crime to watch animals fight or to induce someone else to watch an animal fight but it’s not a federal crime to induce somebody to watch people fighting, there’s something wrong with the priorities of people that think like that.

Rep Hank Johnson (D)- GA

Rep Bachmann (R)- MN
"But we also know that the very Founders who wrote those doccuments (Constitution, Bill of Rights, Declaration of Independence) worked tirelessly until slavery was no more in the United States."

Rep Alan West (R)- FL
“Every time I see one of those bumper stickers[Co-Exist], I look at the person inside that is driving. Because that person represents something that would give away our country. Would give away who we are, our rights and freedoms and liberties because they are afraid to stand up and confront that which is the antithesis, anathema of who we are.”

Rep Nancy Pelosi (D)- CA
"The fact is, elections shouldn't matter as much as they do."


War Hoover NFO.
Super Moderator
Anyone would think that, if Rep. Bachmann has credible information supporting her allegations, she will come forward immediately and present it to whatever are the appropriate authorities. Failing to do so, on the surface, makes her no different that Joe McCarthy. We don't need to go there again.
Dangerously close, but not really. McCarthy named names and hauled people in to his committee. He accused people to their faces.

I am still waiting for Sen McCain to provide a list to the FBI of all the members of congress that are taking bribes and selling their votes on the floor. That is, of course, why his campaign finance bill was so necessary. Just a week or so ago he restated that too much money was ccorrupting members. So who are they? Not revealing the names he has makes him an accessory to a crime, does it not? McCain Feingold has done more harm to the Constitution than Bachmann's occasional comments.
And if Congress were held in higher esteem, or people didn't disregard his comments like they do Bachmanns, his accusation that congress is corrupt would cause more damage to Congress's reputation than anything Bachmann says.


Registered User
A slight tangent...Didn't Michelle Bachmann voluntarily become a citizen of a foreign country earlier this year? Would any of us be able to keep our clearances if we did that? Probably not the brightest thing to do if you intend to run around calling people un-American.

Recovering LSO

Suck Less
A slight tangent...Didn't Michelle Bachmann voluntarily become a citizen of a foreign country earlier this year? Would any of us be able to keep our clearances if we did that? Probably not the brightest thing to do if you intend to run around calling people un-American.

she's married to a man with swiss citizenship, applied for dual, and has since renounced. this does not excuse her antics - just answering your question.



Registered User
So, yes. She applied for and received foreign citizenship. A dual citizen on the House Intelligence Oversight Committee!!! Quick, someone launch an investigation!!!