joboy666 said:
And also about what you said brett about the "average" citizen on the street. Watch the following video and answer whether you care about dead arab kids (the ones shooting the AK-47s at the IDF soldiers) or if you REALLY think that the "average" citizens are the type of people who you could just as easily see at the local PTA meeting... I think you'd be quite surprised how much hatred there is for Israel and the Jews in all those middle east countries. Remember how different the culture is there. VERY polarized and tons of propaganda. This video is FRIGHTENING and shows what we as Jews have known for quite some time...
You can find tons of videos, news reports, etc. @ But that's kind of beside the point. Brett's more or less right on this one: 90% of Arabs in Gaza, the West Bank, and everywhere else are pretty much only interested in making a living, raising their kids, and being more or less normal. Sure, they might have an oppressive patriarchal society that's about two centuries behind "the West" in terms of enlightenment, but I really don't care if they want to make women wear the
hijab or not. For the people who want to be the world morality crusaders, they can knock themselves out... But I digress...
The bottom line is that Israel really needs to act in its own interest. And brawling in Gaza for one person, soldier or civilian, is not in Israel's interest. It's simply a matter of domestic politics--Olmert is trying to get some street cred with the right-wing nut jobs who would drive the state to its ruin. And a show of force, to a certain extent, is probably a good thing. But I doubt they'll find Shalit alive, and if they don't then they'll probably do the smart thing and walk away and start negotiations. Yes, negotiations--don't forget that in 2004 Israel traded hundreds of prisoners for the bodies of three soldiers and one live (criminal) civilian.
And please, don't do the whole "us Jews" thing...There are as many opinions as there are Jews, and in the end, the opinions of Jews don't matter at all--this is an Israeli affair.