Applying to this March board. (Stats below)
I know some have seen this question probably a hundred times on this forum, but is there a way for civilians to check to see if their application made it to the "at board" list? Got the PRO-REC Y for SNFO (2nd choice) last week and OR (who's pushing NFO) told me I was going to OCS soon without acknowledging Intel (1st choice). I told him I was still waiting for Intel results, since that designator is my top choice.
I'd rather be proactive than realize my package never made it. I don't know if I can PM someone my details to confirm or if I should call Millington. If someone advises me to rest easy, that's fine too.
OAR: 61
GPA: 3.95 (History/Int'l Relations) from T1 Ivy
LORs: SecDef, presidential national security adviser, Governor, 2 college professors
Work experience:
--Strategy Consultant for fighter program
--DoD in US Africa Command
--DC national security think tank
--DC strategic advisory firm focusing on defense clients