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IWC board 29-Nov-21


Well-Known Member
Hello all,

I'm an active duty E6 Intel guy applying for 1-Intel, 2-SWO, 3-IP. I started working on my application back in July and have sort of just been fumbling my way through this process. I recently found out about this site but there's so much here, it's kinda difficult keeping up. Nonetheless, I was wondering if I could just ask these questions and get some help to kinda consolidate all the info??

About me :
8 years active duty Intel
GPA: 3.9 homeland security
OAR: 47
LORs: 2x O-6, 3x O-5
Appraisals: 3x Intel O-5s, 1x SWO O-5 (solid write up but he gave me a 9 for one section)

Questions i have:
I was looking to apply in January but was informed Intel is closed until the Summer. No biggie but I can submit a waiver for my OAR since it's above a 45 but Intel's preferred score is 50. Should I retake OAR or submit the waiver?

Also, I have anxiety and take meds for them so my doc explained that my condition is disqualifying but he can and did annotate that I'm mentally and emotionally fit and should be awarded a waiver. That said, how do I go about getting a med waiver for this?

Lastly, as I stated, SWO is my number 2 option. If I apply for Intel in this upcoming summer and don't get selected, do i have to reapply for SWO or IP as well? Or does my package simply roll over to those boards to be looked at??

I know this was alot, please don't fuss me out folks, I'm just trying to get my ducks in a row but this process has not been the most comprehensive
The OAR is not critical it is more a check in the box, if you feel you want to retake then do so, but your GPA is more critical and it is really good.

Are you considered world wide deployable? if so that is a good sign. To be blunt what your doc thinks really doesn't matter as N3M will make a determination based on your history and what the manual says. I have seen sailors who were hit with "not qualified for commissioning but qualified to continue enlisted service". The higher up you go the more stressful the work is, over the years I have seen/know of LT's (male and female) who have been found crying in their office or stateroom due to the stress of work.

When you submit your application in the order you have stated it will be reviewed by all 3 boards, since SWO meets prior to Intel if selected for SWO you will have to wait until Intel meets and if selected for Intel then you will be processed as an Intel, if not selected for Intel then you will be processed for SWO.


Active Member
The OAR is not critical it is more a check in the box, if you feel you want to retake then do so, but your GPA is more critical and it is really good.

Are you considered world wide deployable? if so that is a good sign. To be blunt what your doc thinks really doesn't matter as N3M will make a determination based on your history and what the manual says. I have seen sailors who were hit with "not qualified for commissioning but qualified to continue enlisted service". The higher up you go the more stressful the work is, over the years I have seen/know of LT's (male and female) who have been found crying in their office or stateroom due to the stress of work.

When you submit your application in the order you have stated it will be reviewed by all 3 boards, since SWO meets prior to Intel if selected for SWO you will have to wait until Intel meets and if selected for Intel then you will be processed as an Intel, if not selected for Intel then you will be processed for SWO.

Okay! Thank you for the info. As for my history of anxiety and taking meds, it literally just started for me this August as life got a bit out of hand for me. I do plan to retake the OAR though, just to give myself the best chance of selection. I really love Intel but at the end of the day, my goal is to be an officer, so I don't mind being flexible. Thank you for the advice


Well-Known Member
Mr. Celestin is the N36 HR manager at Navy Recruiting Command. Essentially he is the gatekeeper to the board. All packages go to him and he screens them prior to submission to the board. He also pushes them to medical for verification, Waivers to the appropriate people, etc.

His contact is paul.celestin@navy.mil

I recommend not reaching out to him immediately unless you have a question that cant be answered by your mentor, here, or on the FB page.
He is a processor, NRC has several, he is not the gatekeeper to the board. He is the first stop for all applications submitted from the fleet unless he is out then it goes to another processor as they have several there. The applications that are sent in from the NTAGs go to him and other processors, all the processors then send the applications to the program managers and the PM's are the ones that an application does or does not get sent to board by reviewing the application against the program authorization.

The processors (not just Paul) do indeed send the info for medical review and push waivers up to PM/OCM as dictated by the waiver.

The processors at NRC are essentially the lowest paid civilian employees at NRC but they are incredibly vital to the operation of NRC and the continuity of the command as military personnel transfer in and out.


Well-Known Member
Same here.
Dashboard, I was asked to interpret it a week ago for someone on this site, they get posted on this site off and on as well, IP was about 30, really good number for IP as it used to be less than 20 a year.

I would say overall the chances for selection for this board are better than average.


Well-Known Member
That's for IP? That's over 60% of the at board list. I heard the board last time had plenty of candidates but they still didn't meet the quota for one reason or another. Wonder if this board is pulling the excess?
49 is Intel, IP for this board is 27

A board can select up to a specific number or is supposed to, however if a board doesn't feel the quality is there they can pass on candidates and not utilize their number of selections.


Well-Known Member
I was looking through the FY22 Officer Accession Goals notice and saw the "fleet credit" for INTEL is 3. Does that mean NRC is only aiming to accept 3 fleet applicants for 1830?

Also, are ProBoards supposed to appear under the Advancement/Selection Boards section on BOL? Or are the selectees' chains of command notified some other way?
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Well-Known Member
I was looking through the FY22 Officer Accession Goals notice and saw the "fleet credit" for INTEL is 3. Does that mean NRC is only aiming to accept 3 fleet applicants for 1830?

Also, are ProBoards supposed to appear under the Advancement/Selection Boards section on BOL? Or are the selectees' chains of command notified some other way?
It is supposed to be a guide as in something they track after the fact, but sometimes with the board members see stuff like that they can imply things they shouldn't, that is why NRC often will try to keep info internal to prevent speculation.

The COC should get notified I believe via BOL, some fleet applicants who had command access due to their roles would find out their status the same time as the CO.
I am new to the form and am in queue for the current CW board. I believe this is the correct place, does anyone know selection numbers for CW?


Active Member
Anybody have estimates on when results for Intel will be released? Late December? My recruiter said to expect them in early DEC but if the board is meeting at the end of NOV I don't see how that's possible.


Anybody have estimates on when results for Intel will be released? Late December? My recruiter said to expect them in early DEC but if the board is meeting at the end of NOV I don't see how that's possible.
Intel board was held yesterday 08NOV21 according to the schedule. (previously scheduled for 29NOV21). But no clue when to expect results.