The IWC community used to put out pretty good stats after every board, not that the stats really changed in 10 years but it was nice to continue to see how things were going.
Yep. The most recent board stats I found were were from the SEP 2016 board, though I've attended briefings on board statistics for more recent boards.
From the SEP 2016 board, here are the average GPAs per IWC designator who were professionally recommended:
-1800: 3.39
-1810: 3.25
-1820: 3.33
-1830: 3.56
-1840: 3.57
Note, there were 190 IWC applicants for that board. Only 31 were professionally recommended, for an overall IWC board PR rate of just over 16%.
Here is the breakdown of degree types for those professionally recommended from that board (STEM vs. non-STEM):
STEM (2), Chemistry and Marine Sciences
STEM (5), Computer Science/Biochemistry, Engineering, Mathematics (2), Mechanical Engineering;
Non-STEM (2), Political Science/Homeland Security, Quantitative Economics
STEM (3), Biology, Computer Information Systems, Cyber Security;
Non-STEM (2), History, Political Science
STEM (1), Information Systems;
Non-STEM (12), which ran the range from Business Administration to Political Science
STEM (1), Computer Engineering
The final three IWC professionally recommended applicants were for designators that I'm not familiar with and am too lazy to look up: 11603 and 11604 (all STEM).
Among the applicants, everyone had a Bachelor's Degree, with the exception of 3 MAs among the 1830 applicants and 1 MS for the 1820 applicants.
The average OAR score for professionally recommended IWC applicants was 58 and the high was 75. The low for professionally recommended applicants was a 46, which was for an 1830. Note, the low for 1800 was 54, 52 for 1810, 48 for 1820, 49 for 11603, and 68 for the 1x 11604 applicant.
By designator, average OAR scores broke down as follows:
-1800: 57
-1810: 62
-1820: 53
-1830: 57
-1840: Not Listed
-11603: 54
-11604: 68
Note, there are other stats on race, gender, ethnicity, age, etc.
Edit: below are basic stats for the JUN 2016 IWC OSC Board (I can break them down further late if someone wants), which also explain what the 11603 and 11604 designators are:
Information Warfare Community (IWC)
Professional Recommendation Board
281 Applications
38 Professional Recommendations (PR)
1800 – Oceanography Officer : 1 PR
1810 – Cryptologic Warfare Officer : 10 PRs
1820 – Information Professional Officer : 8 PRs
1830 – Intelligence Officer : 14 PRs
– Cyber Warfare Engineer : 2 PRs
11603 – Surface Warfare Officer (Information Professional Option) : 1 PR
11604 – Surface Warfare Officer (Oceanography Option) : 1 PR
11605 – Surface Warfare Officer (Cryptologic Warfare Option) : 1 PR
Of note, the JUN 2016 board had higher GPAs, higher OAR scores, etc., than the SEP 2016 board among professionally recommended applicants.