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Jacksonville University


Fly Delta Jets
I talked to Dr. Merkt (whom I assume is the same person we are talking about) and he said the same stuff about the new program. Unfortunately, I'm not sure how long it will take to get that program working, but regardless its a bit too late for me.

But for you, who knows. It should be good, since apparently you get credit for Naval Science.


New Member
Well, I applied for an NROTC scholrship primarily looking at ERAU and just filled in the other to blanks with whoever happened to be sending me recruiting stuff at the time. As it turns out I got a 4-year at Jacksonville University in Florida. I pretty well know nothing about the school and haden't even applied when I got the scholarship today. I'm just curious if anyone on here is part of or familiar with the unit and the school. How strong is the unit? What is the aviation department like? How many of the Midshipmen get flight spots who want them (like me)? And just general info that might be useful to me. I've been offered scholarship from both the Army and Air Force as well, and my primary goal is to fly. Definitely appreciate any input.:) (Sorry, I had to add a smily so the post wasn't quite so boring.)
Good job on the scholarship, I also want to apply for a NROTC scholarship to Florida University. What GPA and ACT score did you have to get accepted? I just want a range to compare with mine.