Alright so since I’ve gathered so much great gouge from this place, I think I owe it to the community to share my experience thus far (and how awesome MEPS is).
I took the ASTB in August of ’11, scored well, submitted everything in December, got pro rec’d SNA/SNFO following the January 2012 board. Did MEPS in February, qual’d no problemo. Met with an investigator in March; he asked a lot about my study abroad, a failed car inspection sticker ticket I got in high school, no biggie, great , move on. Time passes. Play the waiting game. Check in with my recruiter and/or processor every couple of weeks. Same response all around: “Your FS letter should be in any day.” Finally in May I get a call from my recruiter that CIRIMS indicates I have a 9 September OCS date. Oorah. I’m pumped. Start working out like crazy, getting psyched…but still no FS letter. All through April, most everyone else from the January board is getting FS letters, so I start calling my processor once a week instead of once every two weeks. I knew something was wrong when June rolled around and I still had not received an FS letter. I started an e-mail thread with my recruiter, processor, Senior Chief at the NRD, and the XO of my NRD. Very polite, but to the point. Basically: “I think something is wrong; I think I’m falling through the cracks. I just want to do what I need to do to get back on track.” Sure enough, two letters have appeared in CIRIMS, and it ain’t good news. One was issued back in March saying that I NPQ’d for Unrestricted line because my vision was NC (“non-correctable,” according to N3M…"no consult," according to MEPS…glad everyone’s on the same page!). The problem is, I read 20/25 in right distant, and the corpsman handwrote NC next to that, presumably because there is no substantial correction for 20/25 distant vision in one eye…get better sleep, I guess? (I don’t wear glasses and have had no corrective surgery. Mom’s got good vision. Got her genes.) What’s strange is that on my MEPS cover sheet, where they type up all my stats, it says 20/20 all around, including right distant. Nonetheless, N3M didn't PQ me.
The second letter was issued in May, basically saying, thanks for applying to the Navy’s commissioning program, you didn’t deal with the NPQ on time, goodbye and good luck with your future endeavors. Believe me, it totally made my day. I jumped on this like white on rice though. My primary concern was losing my pro rec status. I got a visual acuity exam by a Navy optometrist within a few days (measured 20/20 all around), my processor submitted the report to MEDWAIVE, got PQ’d for Unrestricted line in no time. Then my processor had to submit a reconsideration package to CIRIMS (AKA a recon package) with a statement written by me explaining the hold up, why I hadn’t responded to the NPQ on time, and that I was still interested in a commission. I wrote a strong statement very clearly expressing my still-strong desire for a commission. That was put in about two and a half weeks ago, and today I got an FS letter with a 29 July 2012 OCS date.
I was pretty upset that months had gone by without anyone telling me about the NPQ. I was under the impression that my processing was going smoothly. I have heard that CIRIMS has been having problems, so I’m not surprised that these letters seemingly popped up. The Navy Optometrist said that this was really the corpsman’s fault. MEPS should’ve seen I was unrestricted line/aviation and requested a refract consult if anything above 20/20 was noted. "NC" should not have been written, no matter what it means. Refrac consult. Period.
I recommend to anyone who has been pro rec’d and is awaiting a FS letter to be more proactive than you think you should be. I felt like I was annoying my NRS and NRD by calling/e-mailing so regularly, and I probably was. But I should’ve done more. And, my recruiter and his boss even told me today that getting involved in the process as much as I did was the way to go. The system sure as hell ain’t about the individual, so it puts your future in your own hands. If I could do this over again, I’d set a pace from the get go of scheduling an in-person meeting with my recruiter/processor once every two weeks following my pro rec. I think if I had gone in in person a.) I would be able to see CIRIMS for myself and b.) it would motivate NRD to call NRC on my behalf.
TL;DR…Be proactive when awaiting your FS letter.
A major shout out to NavyOffRec. He gave me great guidance throughout this and essentially told me step for step what to do.
Time to go memorize.