I got my phone call today.
Pro-Rec SNA! Pro-Rec NFO! I can barely contain myself.
Congrats to all the others selected and maybe we'll meet in the future. To those who didn't, Mjulian is right. Heads up, there's a reason for everything. Stats as follows.
Kickass prior E of 4yrs
Fast promotions, evals, EP/EP/EP
Secret clearance from prior.
BST 3.35 from a no-name state-U in KS
Professional recommendations from my past two employers and an internship who's offer I turned down.
Personal recommendations from my college Advisor, A lifetime friend and Prior-E. And an amazing piece of Navy writing from a Current E whom I served with.
ASTB 7/7/6 64
Good High PRT
Good Motivational Statement (I like it and it speaks to my drive)
No Med problems.
No Legal problems.