The good ol' shins
Yeah, I'm dealing with bad shin splints at the moment...thought I had coaxed them away with low impact workouts the past couple of months, but just last weekend my right leg flared up bad, so much I couldn't workout so far this weekend.
The only thing I've heard to help it is 1) stay off of it, or 2) lots of fluid, stretch extremely well, and wrap them tightly to keep the muscle and tendons in place while running. I am going to start wrapping them during all my workouts now, as I can't really afford to let up on the workouts just yet - only a few more weeks and a few more pounds to get into shape.
Any other ideas to help with them?
What your saying is good, but that alone will not "cure" them. Its a good idea to stay off of them, and NEVER run if they hurt, that will delay you more. But staying off of them is a temporary fix, as you've probably noticed. They will come back, and they will be just as bad as before. Stretching will help a little bit, but what helps the most is exercising the muscles that are causing the splints. Your fibula and tibia are the two bones in your lower leg. These bones have a LOT of muscles attached to them. It is these muscles that, when overworked, begin to pull on your tibia and fibula, this pulling is what causes the pain. (There are a bunch of other reasons that you can get shin splints, but I am not going to go through all of them.) Conditioning these muscles will help treat the pain you are feeling. So some exercises you should try:
·Draw each letter of the alphabet with the big toe of each foot in the air.
·While standing erect raise up and down onto your toes several times. If that is too easy you can make it more challenging by performing the same exercise while standing on a step and allow your calves to stretch over the edge of the step.
·In a sitting position lower and raise the feet with the heels on the ground as high and quickly as possible for 60 seconds. I have athletes do this exercise during the school day while sitting at their desk.
·Walking down steep hills.
·Walking on toes.
·Walking on heels.
·Walking with feet turned inward and outward.
·With socks off, gather up a towel that is flat on the floor, using only the toes.
·Pick up marbles using the toes.
Try those. In the mean time R.I.C.E. Rest, Ice Compression, Elevation.
Hope that helps. Keep at it.