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Japanese City Rejects U.S. Navy Relocation


By ERIC TALMADGE, Associated Press Writer
1 hour, 49 minutes ago

TOKYO - The southern Japanese city of Iwakuni on Sunday overwhelmingly rejected the relocation of a U.S. naval air wing, in a nonbinding vote that has emerged as a symbol of opposition to the proposed realignment of U.S. forces in Japan.

The plan to move the wing to Iwakuni — still under negotiation between Tokyo and Washington — is part of the Pentagon's push to streamline its overseas bases and create a leaner, more flexible military. The push is also meant to ease tensions caused by the U.S. military presence, notably over soldiers accused of crimes.

A total of 43,433 residents in the city — which is already the site of a U.S. Marine base — voted against the relocation; just 5,369 voted in favor, final results showed



Ask me about ninjas!
There's no way Iwakuni could support that kind of numbers, unless they booted the JMSDF off the base. Even then, I doubt with the course rules limitations that are in place (noise abatement), that the airspace could realistically handle it. And nevermind the absolute anarchy that would result in the E-clubs, out in Iwakuni, and even as far as Hiroshima and Fukuoka. There has to be a better option than this.


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Super Moderator
gaijin6423 said:
There's no way Iwakuni could support that kind of numbers, unless they booted the JMSDF off the base. Even then, I doubt with the course rules limitations that are in place (noise abatement), that the airspace could realistically handle it. And nevermind the absolute anarchy that would result in the E-clubs, out in Iwakuni, and even as far as Hiroshima and Fukuoka. There has to be a better option than this.
On the other hand, they are building that new runway that is offset to the east so as to ameliorate some of the noise and kooky DPs that the old runway had and there is an abundance of ramp space there as well. There is also a whole bunch of great airspace there and it would get the Atsugi guys out of the busy commercial traffic around Tokyo. It also brings airwing guys closer to things in Oki which has its advantages. I don't know what all the issues are, or even what the optimum distribution of forces would look like, but I'm pretty sure that they have a team of smart people working on all the details.



Registered User
I was in the pattern at Futenma the other day, and turning right downwind noticed a big sign on a rooftop just off base that said "US coptors stop flying over our city" .... most of the Okinawans seem to like us though


Super Moderator
gaijin6423 said:
There's no way Iwakuni could support that kind of numbers, unless they booted the JMSDF off the base. Even then, I doubt with the course rules limitations that are in place (noise abatement), that the airspace could realistically handle it. And nevermind the absolute anarchy that would result in the E-clubs, out in Iwakuni, and even as far as Hiroshima and Fukuoka. There has to be a better option than this.

Like Brett said, they are building a brand new runway that is supposed be done in 2009. It is a $3 billion dollar project, you don't spend that kind of money just to get over noise problems. With some improvements to the base I don't think it will be that hard to squeeze the Air Wing in there, they are already squeezed into Atsugi.

Talk about moving the mountain :eek: :

Iwakuni Marine Corps Air Station relocated a runaway 1,000 meters off shore by reclaiming a 1/2 mile the Seto Island Sea in a 10 year project. Barge loads of land reclamation fill material for the Iwakuni Runway Relocation Project were excavated from Atago Mountain in Iwakuni City and conveyed by three miles of conveyor to the barge for transport.




Ask me about ninjas!
I'd forgotten about the runway project, despite having ridden a JMSDF launch right by the area. That was a couple years ago, though, so I had no idea how far it's come. And I see the point about the improvements being rather extensive for noise abatement. But if we're going to squeeze an Air Wing into there, there's going to have to be a lot more, specifically BEQ/BOQ additions, new base housing, and more MWR facilities. I just wonder if there's enough room for all those things, without the base bursting at the seams.


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
gaijin6423 said:
I'd forgotten about the runway project, despite having ridden a JMSDF launch right by the area. That was a couple years ago, though, so I had no idea how far it's come. And I see the point about the improvements being rather extensive for noise abatement. But if we're going to squeeze an Air Wing into there, there's going to have to be a lot more, specifically BEQ/BOQ additions, new base housing, and more MWR facilities. I just wonder if there's enough room for all those things, without the base bursting at the seams.
We'll just put all the Marines in tents, where they belong, and the Navy folks can move into the existing barracks.



Ask me about ninjas!
Or we could just get a bunch of barges tied up on the seawall, and keep the NAVY where it belongs.

On a side note, we had this LCpl in the MALS there who just could not field day his room when he was supposed to. The SgtMaj finally had enough and removed him to a tent in front of the barracks for about two weeks. I have yet to see a cleaner barracks since.


Samsonite... I was WAY off!!
I heard the plan originally was to move the air wing to a new base that they would build on one of the small islands off of the main island of Okinawa. When I was there last summer, however, I saw a bunch of signs on the shore near that small island that talked about not building a new base there due to the "impact" is could have on the manatees. I know there was talk to scrapping the plan to appease the locals but not sure it that is happening now...


Super Moderator
Jameski said:
I heard the plan originally was to move the air wing to a new base that they would build on one of the small islands off of the main island of Okinawa. When I was there last summer, however, I saw a bunch of signs on the shore near that small island that talked about not building a new base there due to the "impact" is could have on the manatees. I know there was talk to scrapping the plan to appease the locals but not sure it that is happening now...

I think that was for the helos at MCAS Futenma and not CVW-5 in Atsugi. The offshore island project was for.


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Back to Da Nang

I think we should move the entire 7th fleet to Da Nang! I bet the Vietnamese would be very happy to have us back but this time as Allies.


Registered User
Brett327 said:
We'll just put all the Marines in tents, where they belong, and the Navy folks can move into the existing barracks.


That is pretty funny Brett, you certainly have a lot of posts on this website. It seems that you have a comment for everything. As for the Marines being in tents, we already are. Except those tents are in Iraq while you are back in the states playing on your computer when you should be out looking for dirties.


HAL Pilot

Well-Known Member
gunfighter77 said:
That is pretty funny Brett, you certainly have a lot of posts on this website. It seems that you have a comment for everything. As for the Marines being in tents, we already are. Except those tents are in Iraq while you are back in the states playing on your computer when you should be out looking for dirties.
