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Japanese City Rejects U.S. Navy Relocation


Mongo only pawn, in game of life...
Flash said:
It is a $3 billion dollar project, you don't spend that kind of money just to get over noise problems.

I'm not so sure about that - these are the same folks that spent an insane amount of money on the spider fence. The one that keeps the spiders *inside* the base....


damn homeowners' associations
gunfighter77 said:
That is pretty funny Brett, you certainly have a lot of posts on this website. It seems that you have a comment for everything. As for the Marines being in tents, we already are. Except those tents are in Iraq while you are back in the states playing on your computer when you should be out looking for dirties.


WTF is that all about? I guess I'm also worthless for choosing to be in the Navy, my bad.


Registered User
I didn't say anything about being worthless. My post was in response to "put the Marines in tents, it is where they belong." Sailors...
Go back to the original subject.


Super Moderator
Jameski said:
Thanks Flash...that's right. Is that plan still moving ahead?

I am not sure, I looked on Google but did not have a whole lot of luck (I did not try too hard.....:icon_smil )


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gunfighter77 said:
That is pretty funny Brett, you certainly have a lot of posts on this website. It seems that you have a comment for everything. As for the Marines being in tents, we already are. Except those tents are in Iraq while you are back in the states playing on your computer when you should be out looking for dirties.

I'm pretty sure I have more time deployed than you have in the Marines, and logged more combat hours than you have ink in your logbook (most of which has been over Iraq, thank you very much), so I might suggest that you dole out unsolicited career advice to someone a bit closer to your station and experience level, shipmate. Can I interest you in some lovely parting gifts? :D



Registered User
Brett327 said:
I'm pretty sure I have more time deployed than you have in the Marines, and logged more combat hours than you have ink in your logbook (most of which has been over Iraq, thank you very much), so I might suggest that you dole out unsolicited career advice to someone a bit closer to your station and experience level, shipmate. Can I interest you in some lovely parting gifts? :D


There you go again having a comment for everything. How would you know about how long I have been deployed? Anyhow It's not the total time (licking the canopy doesn't count), it is the quality of the time that counts( you wouldn't know anything about that.) I'm sure you have logged plenty of time in a tent, nope probably not. Keep your snide comments about Marines to yourself shippy. I don't remember issuing any career advice, I just noticed you have logged a lot of internet time.


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Super Moderator
gunfighter77 said:
How would you know about how long I have been deployed?
My first clue was your decidedly "junior" temperament, but I decided to check your profile to confirm my suspicions. At any rate, my comment was not intended for your enjoyment, but for one of your fellow Marines who appreciated it in the humorous spirit in which it was intended. That's what happens when you don't pay attention and misunderstand the context - things you'll learn with experience. As for my snide comments (about Marines or otherwise), I'll dispense them as I see fit, but again, I appreciate your "suggestion."



Well-Known Member
Site Admin
I can't believe the retardedness of this exchange. "Licking the windshield?" Do you find the maintainers don't really hang around you much? Damn you, you've sucked me into this logic bomb.

I'm heading to the hardware store for a new lock, but between the two of you, you can help me save the money.


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gatordev said:
I can't believe the retardedness of this exchange. "Licking the windshield?" Do you find the maintainers don't really hang around you much? Damn you, you've sucked me into this logic bomb.

I'm heading to the hardware store for a new lock, but between the two of you, you can help me save the money.
:D I'm just keeping the riff raff in line. ;)



Registered User
Brett and I decided to make up. Here is a picture of my tent. I was ok living in it until it leaked during the rainy season. And then I saw that some of the prisoners were living in the same tents at Abu Ghraib when I flew in there the other day. Sorry, this is why I took it personal. I know some people have it worse, but this is pretty bad. I should be happy I only have to live with five other people this time around. At least we are semi protected from the IDF's. Now get back to the original subject.


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AEDO livin’ the dream
Ironic--I've got a buddy living in Iwakuni right now. He mentioned awhile ago that it seemed like the vast majority of folks there are pretty opposed to the relocation. He mentioned some general dislike of some of the things some junior Marines have been doing around town (don't remember exactly what offhand).

I know I'm showing my ignorance, but does it even matter that the city voted against the move?


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othromas said:
Ironic--I've got a buddy living in Iwakuni right now. He mentioned awhile ago that it seemed like the vast majority of folks there are pretty opposed to the relocation. He mentioned some general dislike of some of the things some junior Marines have been doing around town (don't remember exactly what offhand).

I know I'm showing my ignorance, but does it even matter that the city voted against the move?
Nope, not one whit. It's just like some of these liberal hippy towns in the US that passed city council resolutions condemning the war, or declaring themselves "nuclear free zones." Completely symbolic and otherwise meaningless. I guess I can understand why the average Joe citizen there wouldn't want to sign up for several thousand more Sailors and Marines crawling all over the place, but the scene out in town when I was there was pretty mellow and there weren't too many problems. I'm sure the business community down there would love it though.
