Warning - sea story follows
webmaster said:
Oh, and DON'T be "THAT" MIDN, I have read enough about antics so far this summer. In many cases you are going to deployed units, represent well, and don't be a jackass and burden to the unit with childish behaviour that results in msg traffic. Any misbehaviour can and will follow you back home to your ROTC unit. My two cents.
All the WestPacTraMids collected at the late great Subic Bay Naval Base. My friend and I rode in from the Gulf (of Tonkin) in a WWII era oiler (complete with roaches) commanded by a Naval Aviator. That last night aboard, at anchor in Subic, before going to Cubi Point to fly out to Clark AFB to catch the "freedom bird" back to "the world" next day (those were the days when the U.S. Navy was a mighty Pacific Power) the skipper invites a few of the wardroom JO's and we Mids to ride into Subic City to drink some San Miguel's both there and on the way.

Actually not liking beer (sad confession) and wondering if I would miss the freedom bird, I declined and spent a thoroughly boring night on the ship while my friend went steamin'.

Next morning, I pass the skipper on the pier. He's just returning - walkin' sober as a judge. My friend was no where. Finally, I met him at the pax term in Cubi. He's looking beat, generally wasted, and somewhat wrinkled. He says that he got dropped off in Olongapo early that morning; he wandered into Subic; proceeded to get lost and could not find the pier. So, dazed and confused, he simply laid down between a couple of buildings to sleep it off and wait for the sun to rise. Sun rose, he's about a block from the pier. He rushes back onboard, dresses and makes it to Cubi just in time. He could have been "THAT MID" but he was lucky.