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Jimmy Carter's War a.k.a. the Arab-Israeli Conflicts


I'm not dead yet....
Ummm, I'm not thinking must watch. That was more "here's a pro-Israel propaganda powerpoint presentation to off set a lot of the crap that people spout off about the Israelis". I'm definitely much more pro-Israel than any of the Arab states, but I'm also under no illusion that Israel always plays nicely with it's neighbors, including the Palestinians.


..... I'm also under no illusion that Israel always plays ... it's neighbors, including the Palestinians.
I didn't watch the link ....

But the Jews??? They're survivors .... literally. They know the score and if their domestic liberals and socialists don't kill THEM with their weak and wrong-headed policies .... they will continue to survive. That's why I like Israel and why I'll stand up for the Jews of Israel any day, anywhere, anytime ....

Jimmy Carter ??? While I can't say what I really think about him, as he's a former President and C-in-C .... he's one of the reasons I got out of the active Navy in the ol' days .... I didn't want to serve in his early PC Navy .... 'nuff said.


Super Moderator

A must watch. A bit long.. but worth every minute. Especially the part about the $$$$

Seriously, the UAE is a 'rigidly Islamic state' just like Saudi Arabia?! What were these guys smoking when they produced that piece of crap. :(

Your 'must watch' has got to be one of the most poorly done pieces of propoganda I have ever seen. I am no fan of President Carter, especially some of his most recent statements, but to paint him like that is grossly unfair. Are power point graphics that a third grader could do supposed to convince me that he is a great threat to Israel and it's existence?

I am all for Israel's existence, btu don't give them a free pass to do whatever the hell they want to do. Like building settlements and a wall on foreign territory, somthing even the US government and the Israeli Supreme Court condemn.

Finally, consider the source of that drivel........crap in.....crap out:





Registered User



Super Moderator

Really Mumbles? ;)


Evidence of WTC Demolition Includes:

9/11 Firefighters: Bombs and Explosions in the WTC
9/11 News Videos Reporting WTC Explosions
Evidence of Demolition Charges In WTC 2
Shaped Charges and the World Trade Center Collapses
Video Evidence of an Explosion at the Base of WTC 1

Thermite and the WTC Collapses Includes:

How Did the WTC Fires Burn for 3 Months?
The Fires in the WTC Wreckage Were Not Conventional Fires
The Core of WTC 1 Failed Below the Third Floor
Thermal Hot Spots: Fingerprint of a WTC Demolition


Registered User
Flash....you got me dead to rights...I didn't fully check my sources, (Rosey O Fat...Mike Moore, George Soros et.al.)

however, I still think something really stinks about the whole Liberty incident.


I'm not dead yet....
What? That the Israelis mistakenly go after a US flagged intel ship? I'm sure target misidentification has never happened in the history of the US Navy. It was probably a conspiracy to stop the crew of the Liberty from relaying the secret plans for the Jewish takeover of the world.

In all seriousness, it was a bad day for the Navy, but I tend to chafe at the conspiracy theories that surround the Liberty.

new user

What? That the Israelis mistakenly go after a US flagged intel ship? I'm sure target misidentification has never happened in the history of the US Navy.

Never in the Navy. Sometimes in the Air Force. The Chinese Embassy in the former Yugoslavia anyone?

new user

Like building settlements and a wall on foreign territory, somthing even the US government and the Israeli Supreme Court condemn.

The U.S. never condemned Israel for building that wall. In fact, they voted, along with the Aussies, to vote against the U.N.'s condemnation of that wall. The wall itself is a security barrier. Some of it cannot be moved, but a lot of that barrier can. Plus, attacks from those parts of the area where the barrier exists have gone down something like 87 percent.


Airborne All the Way!!!
What? That the Israelis mistakenly go after a US flagged intel ship? I'm sure target misidentification has never happened in the history of the US Navy. It was probably a conspiracy to stop the crew of the Liberty from relaying the secret plans for the Jewish takeover of the world.

In all seriousness, it was a bad day for the Navy, but I tend to chafe at the conspiracy theories that surround the Liberty.

James Bamford in his book on the NSA, Body of Secrets, concludes that the Israeli's were fully aware of the identity of the ship & that they intentionally attacked the Liberty because it had collected radio intel which could prove that Egyptian POW's were executed in mass.

Hebrew linguists on board an EC-121 which was eavesdropping on Israeli communications during the attack actually heard the attacking units make a couple of references to the American flag during the attack.


..... USS LIBERTY ....
As in ... we and others would never do anything which adversely affects our allies when it is perceived to be in OUR best interests ???


But more to the point, this country doesn't know how to deal with the possibility of extinction. If more of you had been alive during the Cuban Missile Crisis, you might remember the entire country sitting around radios and TV's counting down the miles between the Soviet missile-laden freighters and the USN blockade ships .... and the forecast nuclear Armageddon that would follow the sinking of a Russian freighter if it tried to cross the "dead-line".

Then perhaps you'd have a better feel for what the Israeli's deal with every day ....

The Arabs and their suppliers can make hundreds of mistakes and they keep on going with their hate, discontent, and genocide directed toward the Jews or toward each other if the last Israeli disappeared from the face of the earth today. The Israelis cannot afford the luxury of making even one mistake against a potential CBN armed Arab state bent on their destruction. That's also why I DO NOT support the concept of a "Palestinian state". It would be akin to making a bed for the fox inside the hen house....

The USS LIBERTY incident was a terrible thing ... and WRONG if it was indeed done to bring the U.S. into the war on the Israeli side (as if we weren't already on their side ... ???). But on the whole, which Arab state has been a better ally to us than the Jewish nation???

And as far as screwing your allies when it suits your own purposes ... have you heard of
Mers-el-Kébir or Oran ... ???? 1940??? Dakar??? Check 'em out for a demonstration of "real-politic" and doing unto others (allies in these cases) ... for the sake of one's own self preservation. It's a wonder those "allies" still speak to one another ...