Although I didn't aspire to be an airline pilot I had most my pilot training done before I entered the Navy. Saved money on my first cruise and bought a plane on return. Just flew for fun. Not consciously building time. Took shored duty orders back in my home town where college buddies were at the point in their civ careers they flew at a small commuter airline based locally. They asked me to apply for some up coming classes. I was skeptical. I had the bare minimums and it simply wasn't a life goal. The pay would be bad. I had already arranged to go back to the cockpit in the Reserves and that satisfied my professional flying bug. But my brother in law was a USAir pilot and my bride liked the lifestyle and travel benefits her sister had. She encouraged me to pursue the airlines. So I got my ATP. My friends saw that I got hired flying turboprops in a Part 141 commuter. I was in class two weeks after separating from active duty. The pay cut was huge, but my wife made good money. I flew a lot. Two years later I was in the Show. I didn't plan this route. I was lucky to have some friends who got me that first paying job. It was local which was easy on the new family, and my wife's job paid most the bills. Although rare, there are other NFOs and USAF Navs who have gone the airline pilot route. A former AW member went from VP NFO to the airlines. Three NFOs from my reserve squadron went airlines. Guess I was inspirational. The bottom line is you will essentially be treated like a civilian applicant. That means you pay for all your training and have to build time, a lot of it these days. It means a shitty (probably) very low paying job after you get out and a couple years doing it, minimum. GI Bill will help. Honestly, I don't know that I would recommend it these days based on the investment required and potential payback. If you want to go that route then make it a serious hobby to start with and see where it goes. Keep all your other options open. Whatever you want, whatever you do, be a great NFO first!!! Your pilot squadron mates will not appreciate a NFO that is all about his airline dreams and up in their monkey skill shit and not getting the mission done.