A post in another thread about early retirements got me thinking...
I am a poster child for careers gone bad due to Spouse collocation. If I had not married a girl who was also a Navy officer or had not pushed for collocation, I would probably have been a squadron CO and retired as a O6 instead taking an early retirement as a passed over O4.
I was number 1 LTJG, #1 frocked LT and #1 LT in my first VP squadron. I was a LTJG crew holding mission commander and took my crew on many extended detachments and deployments. I was one of the community "golden boys".
Then I married my squadron's AIO. After our squadron tours were up, the only place we could collocate was Norfolk. I turned down being a flag aide to the west coast VP admiral and a job at the west coast P-3 RAG to go to Norfolk. By going to Norfolk, I got sucked into a training command draft for "quality" officers (instead of the shit birds they were getting from aviation communities) and ended up with orders to a SWO training base where I was the only aviation LT among 50+ SWOs. Needless to say, I did not break out.
I bolted out of my shore duty early to a CVN. Again, the VP community tried to "rescue" me / my career and offered an assortment of great, career enhancing CVN jobs (including ANAV and shooter). But they were all on west coast carriers and my wife was in Norfolk so I took a so-so job on a Norfolk based carrier working for a LDO O4 department head. Not the way to break out.....But once again I tried to maximize my situation and I earned a SWO pin as well as being Sea & Anchor OOD, GQ OOD, TAO qualified and leading the ship's boarding team. I ended up "pack plus" but not in the top numbers.
Coming off the CVN, VP tried to send me to the west coast with the choice of either the Admiral's Staff or being a DH at VP-31 (RAG). I was also offered a job at CTF-72 in Japan. But now the Navy said the wife was going Jax and there were "lesser" VP jobs available there. VP-30 wouldn't take me since I was a west coast VP guy (big thing back then - the different coasts did not mix). So I took a job at FASO and did a 6 month TDY stint with a UN mission to try and salvage something.
2 years latter it is DH time (which I originally did not select for because east coast VP ran the board. West coast VP objected to the results and it was reconvened. 6 west coast LCDRs including yours truly were added. This was totally a result of my community reputation from my first tour - I was still "one of their guys" so to speak). Orders to a west coast squadron (more than a few COs asked for me by name) but used the spouse collocation program to force them to keep me in Jax with the wife. I was an unknown in the east coast VP world and told by my CO on check in that I would never break out (and didn't).
Coming off my DH tour, I knew I was not going to make O5 but I was sent to a joint O6 billet anyway. I didn't fight this one for collocation reason because my wife had just decided I did not sacrifice enough for our marriage to work.....I never understood getting these orders because I had been continually thumbing my nose (in the name of being collocated with my wife) at the VP community's attempts to help my career. I finally learned when I applied for early retirement that I still had an excellent VP community reputation and strong VP Flag level backing. They wanted me to be a O5 and stay working in the community. But by this time I was through and just wanted to retire.
Since I retired, i have been told by numerous retired VP O6s and flag officers that I threw away my career for my ex-wife. They respected my choice and never held it against me, but they never really understood it either.
So yes, you can make the spouse collocation program work. But there is a big career price to pay.
Was it worth it? Yes - because I got a great daughter out of it. But knowing what I know, I would not have married another service member. One of us would have to get out.