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JPAS and Current Employer


My application is up for the June Boards, and all I am lacking is my Security Clearance. I had my interview with the Federal Investigator today, and she is set on interviewing my current boss before the board results.

She says my clearance was submitted as "High Priority," so she must complete it by June 18th. I asked if she could wait for the results to come out around the 16th, and then interview my current employer only if I was pro rec'd, but she says that doesn't leave her enough time.

I called my recruiter, and the only reason he can muster is that possibly they put mine as a "high priority" because I had decent scores and they are trying to get as many applicants processed and sceduled for OCS before the end of the fiscal year (which he said has to happen by July).

While I want to believe this, no one is sure what to tell me, and I really dread them contacting my less-than-friendly boss without me hearing from the board yet. I will be job searching the next day, inevitably.

Any advice?


How do you fly a Clipper?
I haven't had a meeting with a federal investigator yet. Am I to expect this? /threadjack


standard-issue stud v2.0
Unless I misinterpreted what you meant, that sounds exceedingly strange. I've done 4 full applications and never once been contacted by the background investigators. That, plus all the information I've seen on the topic, suggests that they don't even bother with security clearences until you've been pro rec'ed at the very earliest.

But then again, I don't actually 'know' anything. I'm curious about this too now.


I haven't had a meeting with a federal investigator yet. Am I to expect this? /threadjack

If you are getting a Secret clearance, you generally don't get interviewed.

While I want to believe this, no one is sure what to tell me, and I really dread them contacting my less-than-friendly boss without me hearing from the board yet. I will be job searching the next day, inevitably.

Any advice?

I am confused what you are getting at. Are you saying you think Mr. Bill Lumbergh is going to fire you because of a call he got asking for a reference in your security clearance?


Pro-Rec Fighter Pilot
While I want to believe this, no one is sure what to tell me, and I really dread them contacting my less-than-friendly boss without me hearing from the board yet. I will be job searching the next day, inevitably.

Any advice?
Firing someone who applies to serve their country? Sounds a little bit shady to me. I wouldn't worry about it.


Well-Known Member
Here's a thought....give your boss a head's up so he/she doesn't get blindsided. "Tyler so-and-so is doing what?!?" Explain your desire to become a Naval Officer. Most people tend to be understanding unless they are hippies.


If you are getting a Secret clearance, you generally don't get interviewed.

I am confused what you are getting at. Are you saying you think Mr. Bill Lumbergh is going to fire you because of a call he got asking for a reference in your security clearance?

She wants to meet with him (my boss) for an interview. And he's a very angry little man. He would most likely take it as a personal display of treason to his empire and find a reason to fire me. I can see it now.


SWO in-training
She wants to meet with him (my boss) for an interview. And he's a very angry little man. He would most likely take it as a personal display of treason to his empire and find a reason to fire me. I can see it now.

Hey, I understand where you are coming from. I didn't get hired back to my summer job because I joined the Navy and wouldn't be able to be a full time employee there once I got my degree in Dec. I never saw this coming as my boss served a marine for several years...oh well.

The fact they are investigating you now is weird. I talked to a federal agent after I swore in and it was because there was a mess up on my security form.


FERS and TSP contributor!
Well it's quite a conundrum you got on your hands.

But frankly your little dillema is nothing compared to the kind of judgement calls you will need to make as a commissioned officer.

Suck it up, work on what matters, stop the "play it safe" attitude and get yourself in the right frame of mind for OCS for pete's sake!


She wants to meet with him (my boss) for an interview. And he's a very angry little man. He would most likely take it as a personal display of treason to his empire and find a reason to fire me. I can see it now.

Sounds like it's not a pleasant work environment anyway. Tell him to take that job and shove it.

(after the interview that is.)


Scouts Out!
As the aviator intel officer in my Squadron and the one in charge of investigations on the officers in my Squadron, I find it very strange that an investigator is calling you and wanting to investigate as soon as possible. I find it stranger that they are telling you who they are going to call. Normally its the opposite: you put your SF86 together then beg and plead for them to investigate you, and you hear nothing til its over. If you are pre-SELECTION for OCS and she is calling and asking you if she can hurry along your clearance, that strikes me as odd. Almost scam-odd. I would politely tell her (IF this is true) that you do not need the clearance processed til after selection.

If you are worried about your boss saying bad things about you, dont worry, you wont lose a clearance because you are an ass, only because you are a security risk. If the problem is you are worried about your job security, then that is fair enough.

Next time you talk to her explain the situation and if she keeps pressing, get her boss's name and info and call him/her. If she says she doesnt have a boss, she is lying. I find it very odd that she is discussing the actual investigation with you - most of the time there are very few contacts from your form that are actually contacted (unless there is cause for suspicion), and the investigators certainly do not tell you in advance who they will be.

Like I said, I find the whole situation a little peculiar.


As the aviator intel officer in my Squadron and the one in charge of investigations on the officers in my Squadron, I find it very strange that an investigator is calling you and wanting to investigate as soon as possible. I find it stranger that they are telling you who they are going to call. Normally its the opposite: you put your SF86 together then beg and plead for them to investigate you, and you hear nothing til its over. If you are pre-SELECTION for OCS and she is calling and asking you if she can hurry along your clearance, that strikes me as odd. Almost scam-odd. I would politely tell her (IF this is true) that you do not need the clearance processed til after selection.

If you are worried about your boss saying bad things about you, dont worry, you wont lose a clearance because you are an ass, only because you are a security risk. If the problem is you are worried about your job security, then that is fair enough.

Next time you talk to her explain the situation and if she keeps pressing, get her boss's name and info and call him/her. If she says she doesnt have a boss, she is lying. I find it very odd that she is discussing the actual investigation with you - most of the time there are very few contacts from your form that are actually contacted (unless there is cause for suspicion), and the investigators certainly do not tell you in advance who they will be.

Like I said, I find the whole situation a little peculiar.

Thanks for your perspective.

I, too, find it peculiar. I feel like the aspect that makes my case atypical is the fact the investigator kept repeating -- my file has been placed on "High Priority." Why? I don't know. Perhaps it's because I am approaching the age limit for SNA, maybe they are doing me a favor, as she told me this meant my app. went to the very top of the stack. Maybe, it's because, like my recruiter suggested, that they are working against the FY quota/deadline. Who knows.

The investigator never told me that she was DEFINITELY calling my boss, she just kept saying, "I cannot tell you for sure that your boss will not be contacted, as there are several case workers assigned to your file."

I don't know why I was interviewed personally, but I got a call last friday from her asking when I was "shipping out." She seemed rushed and stressed because she only had a short period of time to complete my investigation, and then she suggested that we meet to go over my paperwork.

So we did, and I did see her credentials, fwiw.

I'm just not going to worry about my current employer. He's a dick, and if I am indeed fired for this reason, I didn't need to be there anyway. I'm just wondering why my case always seems to be different. :icon_rage


Scouts Out!
Well, if thats the case you may just want to count your blessings. Cant steal second with one foot on first. If your boss fires you for trying to get in the Navy, you can file a lawsuit pretty easily. Any other future employer that is worth a damn will see your efforts as honorable. I'd say just let them process it, and leave the rest to fate. If you pull your file, you may not be able to convince them hurry when you do need it. Good luck.


Spy Navy
I have never seen OPM or DoNCAF process someone's clearance as "high priority". Not even for the guys who need it in a reasonable timeframe to strike for a rate like AT, or for the people who need it to do their job on deployment.