Originally Posted by Tyler
Question, if you reapply without the BDCP designation, do you have to wait 6 months? If so, it might be worth a try since you're already a senior. The only reason I ask is because I had your exact ASTB score and a 3.26 gpa in Business and was lucky enough to get picked up last month (non BDCP).
Definitely reapply. You too, BOND!
I don't think you have to wait the six months if your non BDCP, my recruiter told me that the big thing with reapplying was something has to change on your application, gpa, community service, scores, something has to improve for them to look at your package again. Talked to Bond on the phone about an hour ago, he's in good spirits, much better than I would have been.Quote:
A. Yes, you can apply in back to back if you switch from BDCP SNA to OCS SNA without "significant improvement" in your app. I got turned down BDCP SNA in May and pro-rec'd OCS SNA in June without changing a thing.
B. If applying for the same community, be it BDCP SNA or OCS SNA, everyone has to wait 6 months if there is not "significant improvement" in their app. "Significant improvement" was explained to me as pretty much only gpa and astb. LOR's, PRT, community service, flight (minus maybe another rating) does not count. At least this is what my OR told me.