It shouldn't matter if it is the end of fiscal year for us bdcp applicants though right? If it is switching from FY08 to 09 and if kurtzie and I maybe the others up are FY2010 it wouldn't matter.. correct? Either way the board was today, so I guess we will find out soon. Dreams and prayers on my part; and every time I think of it about it I just excited to hopefully represent the Navy my last 2 years of school and have my dream job serving my country waiting on the other end.
On a side note however, my future roommate, buddy from the academy and I drove down to P'cola past weekend to catch the blue show. After parking a 1 and a 1/2 miles out and walking, then posting up on the beach for a few hours, watching some police helos buzz and then a Grumman wigeon fly by, massive storm had built up and pissed on us for an hour and a half before they final told us they show was canceled.
We were pretty bummed, cause we had to drive back that night. However we still came out with a nice "remember Kevin "Kojak" Davis #6" sticker, watching a wet T-shirt contest, lunch at the museum, and hanging out at a cool store called wings(owned by a retired NFO Cmdr "Butch").
Anyways, figured I'd mention the trip.