I found out I'm waiting on a waiver now. SNA but I apparently failed depth perception at meps. Went to an optometrist and got retested and and just found out this week that that waiver has to get approved before I can get a finsel. Is anyone else in a similar situation? Do those usually get approved? I'm guessing about a month for the waiver to come back...
Yeah, I had PRK, failed depth perception, had to return to MEPS and it took them nearly 3 months to even fit me in. I had given them 2 years worth of eye exams and 1 extra eye exam taken before they would even let me in, which stated that I have perfect depth perception. They still required an optometrist consult after the initial MEPS run-through before telling me I passed visual.
In my case, N3M initially didn't want to issue any waivers but it appears they're reconsidering. It can take a long time, especially for your recruiter to even get anybody at N3M to talk to them. It seems like somebody on our side (recruiter's side of the office) or N3M is out every single day this last week. You would think they would be better with the whole phone tag thing, but I've found that getting any paperwork done (with any agency, government or otherwise) is kind of like Sisyphus rolling the stone up the hill. The only advice I can offer is not to stress out too much and try to do something you enjoy. It'll get done eventually, just probably not in your ideal schedule. Occupy yourself in the meantime.