Here are my stats:
28/M/ prior service (currently active duty)
B.A. Intelligence Studies, AMU (Graduated May 15 - that's why I'm applying so late...multiple combat deployments takes a toll on getting your degree)
GPA: college: 3.815, highschool: 3.78
ASTB: 7/7/6 57
Active Duty IS1(EXW/SW/AW) have my MTS as well, almost 10 yrs service, currently with SEAL Team FIVE, currently the LPO of the N2 department.
All 10's from my CO, O5, and all three of my appraisals are all 10's as well (CO, O5, of SEAL Team ONE, O4 intel, O3 F18 pilot). Served in an O4 capacity for the last two deployments, hoping that helps me out in the leadership department.