For those who are still confused about OCS dates, the LAST OCS class in Pensacola begins 1 July, with a graduation date of 21 Sept. Your orders will tell you to report the Friday or Saturday before (DO IT!), but you just get your orders stamped & then they tell you to come back Sunday morning to actually begin training. Usually there is a new class starting every two or three weeks, but due to the move to RI there will be a month and a half gap between the beginning of the last P-cola class and the first Newport class (scheduled to begin 19 Aug). There will already be OCS classes training in RI by the time the last P-cola class graduates, so OCS accessions won't come to a complete halt as some have suggested. If anyone is told they have a report date between 1 July and 19 August, expect that to be revised since there aren't any classes starting during that time.