it takes long because they are not from the same NRD you and PIGZZ are from. we don't mess around here
Goob, you gonna be around New Orleans anytime soon? If so, I need a favor...

it takes long because they are not from the same NRD you and PIGZZ are from. we don't mess around here
TKiss - I am in the same boat. I was a may selectee, I have cleared medical now and am just waiting for background to clear. I have no idea how long I have to wait. I am ready to know what my date is. I wanted to go in August, but it looks like its late OCT now. By the time I final select, who knows.
Junkball- If you are NPQ'd for something and you get your paperwork done, its roughly a three day turn around. Im not sure if this means there is a board that meets that often, or if they just review paperwork that often. I know that I heard of my NPQ within about two weeks of completing MEPS (did so after pro-rec) and then was cleared about a week after turning in my BP paperwork. shouldnt take too long for you.
your OCS date is 10/19/2008 select letter should be out next week and ready for the oath now that was FASTThank you guys. Airwarriors has been a savior. Thanks goob...your recruiting skills are unmatched sir. I wish everyone on the forum the best and hope to meet you at OCS!
SEC of STATE has nothing to do with it but it is funnyIt looks like the only guys that pro-rec'd in June who already know, dimlights aside, are the applicants with deferred OCS dates. Hopefully dimlights' news will become a common trend for those of us looking to class up asap.
I completed MEPS and Sec. clearance prior to application, ftr.
My recruiter told me last week that we are just waiting for the secretary (of state?) to sign my letter.
Hopefully we'll all hear of final select soon!
It looks like the only guys that pro-rec'd in June who already know, dimlights aside, are the applicants with deferred OCS dates. Hopefully dimlights' news will become a common trend for those of us looking to class up asap.
I completed MEPS and Sec. clearance prior to application, ftr.
My recruiter told me last week that we are just waiting for the secretary (of state?) to sign my letter.
Hopefully we'll all hear of final select soon!
apparently, you guys rock, looking forward to getting everything done wednesday. Goob, everyone has said it but you rockit takes long because they are not from the same NRD you and PIGZZ are from. we don't mess around here
Well my OCS date would be deferred until next summer (after graduation, I'm BDCP) so...
I am still waiting, but the worst of it is I don't know what I'm waiting for. Also, I'm wondering if I should get PRK and reapply or just take the Nav slot but thats a q for another thread.
Also, what does NPQ stand for? Non-pilot qualified?
it takes long because they are not from the same NRD you and PIGZZ are from. we don't mess around here
letter is signed or awaiting signature very hard for me to tell because you are out of my district. you should have it soon you have an ocs date there i seeHey Goob,
Is there any way that you can check on the status of my letter. Before my papers went out to the board, I already had a clearance done from a previous job and my medical was complete. My stuff is taking way too long in my opinion. Maybe you can help. Oh and my OR changed duty stations so I don't really have a good contact. Thanks.
William Dovale
Final Select SNFO...Can't wait to start in October!!!!!!!!!!!!!!