My name is Caleb Jones and I applied for the NFO/Intel positions for the June boards. I found out I was Pro-Rec for NFO in the first week of July. I was really gunning for an Intel spot, but my recruiter said that the June boards were super competitve for Intel. However, I am really pumped up about the NFO position, and I think the Navy Aviation community is incredible, and I wanted to let you all know that I have thumbed through hundreds of postings on this site, and I know that you all have been incredibly helpful. I look forward to serving with you all. Question-- I just finished MEPS (what a pain in the as*) and am waiting for Final Select (sometime this week or next from what I've been told) and I was wondering if any of you other NFO's or NA's were selected for an August OCS class, or if September looks like the most likely OCS date as a result of the switch from Pensacola to Rhode Island?