no sarcasm; accredited university is all that's requiredMatt Martin said:sarcasm? Big Lewbowski is the greatest.
no sarcasm; accredited university is all that's requiredMatt Martin said:sarcasm? Big Lewbowski is the greatest.
No sarcasm.....It really doesn't matter.Matt Martin said:sarcasm? Big Lewbowski is the greatest.
A4sForever said:And you have to do much, if not all, of your own "leg work". No one is going to do it for you.
Contact the professionals .....
Schnugg said:You need to do some homework and seek out the answers to your questions, grasshopper.
A4sForever said:Schnugg has got it --- his USNA tour taught him much about young people. Many of the rest of you are "enablers". You are humming to this kid's tune. Help is one thing, but cyber "jumping" in a vain attempt to be kinder, gentler every time he asks another "question" is quite another thing. You are "enabling" his doing nothing for himself.
If ... and that's a big "if", in my opinion, from what I've seen on this thread --- if this kid is EVER going to become officer material --- he needs to start doing "something" on his own instead of punching keys on a computer keyboard at every whim ... officers don't do that. And neither do those with leadership potential.
For God's sake. He can't even figure out what Part 141 is ... ?? Gimme a break ...
Life is hard. So is the military. ...
Ouch ... I'm such a mean 'old man. Reality check time, boys.
Matt Martin said:I hear ya... And I appreciate the criticism as I cannot improve without it.
Reverse psychology doesn't work on A4's. He's likely to pull out the double double reverse reverse psychology and then everyone is going to be confused.Matt Martin said:I hear ya... And I appreciate the criticism as I cannot improve without it.
Steve Wilkins said:Reverse psychology doesn't work on A4's. He's likely to pull out the double double reverse reverse psychology and then everyone is going to be confused.
sevenhelmet said:Hey AllAmerican, what's keeping you from giving out rep points? Seems like you say "I would if I could" a lot.