Awaiting HM FRS orders
Goodness I could write to you guys for days, I should have become a career counselor. There is an extended campus for Embry Riddle at Oceana. I had a good friend of mine go there. I got mine through the Embry Riddle campus at Lemoore. If your goal it to get the experience and get motivated, hey good on you. Realize that when you get your degree (whether your on a five year obligation, have two months left, or have already finished and are out) you can apply for OCS at anytime. Once picked up for the program they will release you from your contract. I realize your goal is to make it to Oceana, but there are ERAU extended campuses at almost every Naval Air Station you get sent to. Yes Oceana and Lemoore are very motivating places to go because of the F-18's but also realize once you do make it into OCS and pilot training you're never guaranteed jets anyway. As I was told going through Primary, it's not the platform your after, it's the wings of gold. Good luck on your future plans.