First, congrats on selection. Second, what makes you think selecting jets would have not kept your "family in one piece"? People, relationships, and marriages fail across the spectrum of employment - and that means they fail across the spectrum of flight school selection and community.
If it was a bullet, why'd you put it first?
Look, I'm not trying to rain on your parade - I'm just trying to offer some advice. If you think the community you selected is what is going to make or break a family/marriage.... It's not. You, your partner, your maturity, your communication, and your ability to manage expectations will go lot further toward ensuring happiness then whether or not your aircraft has a tail hook or a microwave
Agreed sir, I'm thinking more along the lines that, and this is just going off of what I have heard from those that have been there, that the day to day time commitment is somewhat more in the jet and fighter community as well as work ups, 9 month deployments, 3 deployments in 3 years etc...This is not to say that maritime guys don't work hard and have long days either. I am aware of that each person must make his own decisions. Had I got jets I would have been stoked just as much and worked my ass off to be good at what I do. I still will. I say that I dodged a bullet for my family's sake. I think that each family functions differently and I only wanted to illustrate that I believe that family satisfaction coupled with my working hard and all that about maturity, communication, and ability to manage expectation will be easier to do from a hotel room in 7th fleet on my wifi enabled phone than from the bowels of carrier. Please don't misunderstand me. I think that jets are the shit and I already have a shit ton of respect for the guys that can do that. I had jet grades, wanted jets, got maritime. I am not butt hurt either way. I'll do the task that Big Navy has given me to the best of my ability.