Just a few questions for the guys who have taken the ASTB already and used the Arco Military Flight Aptitude book. Did you guys study the AFOQT part as well, in addition to the ASTB section? Seems like there's a lot of overlap, but also some things in the AF part, like the block counting and data interpretation, that don't appear on the Navy test. My first choice is Navy, but I figure I will go over all the AF stuff as well to beef up my skills, and in case I decide to pursue the AF option if need be. Anybody else do the same, or did you just focus on ASTB?
Also, as far as the spatial apperception go, are the study guide examples identical to the ASTB, in that the diagrams depicted show the view as if you were looking out of the cockpit windshield? I realize the airplane and drawing might be different, but just want to confirm if the concept is the same?