You might end up having to take a slew of technical classes during your time in NROTC in spite of your Performing Arts or Ceramics major. Many of my buddies who went through spent long hours in the study hall pissing about calc II and "business physics" or something like that. From what I remember they were a req. prescribed by the battalion CO and henceforth may vary by university.
I on the other hand, went the PLC route. I majored in Geography; it was f-ing easy. I lost no sleep over it and still learned skills relevant to my career path. Additionally, I was able to secure an SNA contract prior to finalizing any PLC entry paperwork. I didn't have to put up with any of the midshipman/ROTC/microscale-bearaucracy BS either. I hung out at the NROTC building, ate their food, slept on their couches, shot pool with the MECEP prior enlisted and PT'd with those guys.
PLC was a great option for the reasons above. It required a few more weeks at OCS, but so-what. That place is a good time. After my first session there I was also eligible to receive compensation for tuition and living expenses. It was more than adequate.
Oh yeah, I almost forgot. Obligatory " yutyut Leader of Marines first, pilot is secondary. Yut yut SEMPER FI".
I on the other hand, went the PLC route. I majored in Geography; it was f-ing easy. I lost no sleep over it and still learned skills relevant to my career path. Additionally, I was able to secure an SNA contract prior to finalizing any PLC entry paperwork. I didn't have to put up with any of the midshipman/ROTC/microscale-bearaucracy BS either. I hung out at the NROTC building, ate their food, slept on their couches, shot pool with the MECEP prior enlisted and PT'd with those guys.
PLC was a great option for the reasons above. It required a few more weeks at OCS, but so-what. That place is a good time. After my first session there I was also eligible to receive compensation for tuition and living expenses. It was more than adequate.
Oh yeah, I almost forgot. Obligatory " yutyut Leader of Marines first, pilot is secondary. Yut yut SEMPER FI".