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KPNS Name Change


Well-Known Member
Here's hoping that dies a quick and painless death. You've got to be kidding me.

Shouldn't affect youse guys too much.

Based on how much fixed-wing traffic in our GCA box throws a wrench in things, up to 75 fixed-wing departures and full-stop arrivals at Southie is going to be fu-un! (What'll be much more funner is when NDZ is IMC, R-2915A is hot, and RW 32 arrivals are verboten. "What now, Lieutenant?!")

I wonder, though - will this mean longer operating hours for NDZ? Possible closed-field operations approval? Or would the new "tenants" be limited to our field hours?

Recovering LSO

Suck Less
why the hate for pensacola? the economy has been a train wreck for years - not at all helped by Ivan. The downtown area has been revitalized and brought up to 21st century standards with respect to dining and shopping. Pensacola Young Professional has also been instrumental in the recent reclamation of the old water treatment plant into a minor league ball park.

I grew up in the area (middle, high school - family still lives there), and can tell you that the Pensacola you see today is thousands of times better than what it was just ten years ago - never mind 20. If they want to call the airport Baby Heathrow, frankly I don't care - just keep cleaning the place up and making it a better place to live.

Recovering LSO

Suck Less
Allowing you (who will be gone in a year) to buy liquor on Sunday's is not going to generate an appreciable amount of revenue. Buy it on Saturday or go to the Cape Heart housing NEX where you can buy it any day of the week.


Well-Known Member
LSO - I know where you're coming from, but there are more than a few restaurants that don't even open up on Sundays because the lack of alcohol revenue doesn't make it worth the cost of being open. Santa Rosa County hasn't gotten the memo that it's 2011.

As for the Whiting project: A similar project is working well at KCEW (Bob Sikes in Crestview)...but then again, Bob Sikes isn't one of the busiest Class C airports in the country (with student rotary-wing pilots and student controllers mixing it up for 16+ hours a day). Oh well, it's above my pay grade, and if it comes to pass, we'll make it work.

I will say, though, that this, combined with the recent NSE land grab, are smart decisions to dodge the BRAC Hammer.

Recovering LSO

Suck Less
LSO - I know where you're coming from, but there are more than a few restaurants that don't even open up on Sundays because the lack of alcohol revenue doesn't make it worth the cost of being open. Santa Rosa County hasn't gotten the memo that it's 2011.

And when I go home to visit my folks (who live between Pace and Milton) I get frustrated by it. But I remember that its been a ballot measure over and over again. The folks who live (permanently) and vote there want it that way - most can't explain why, but none of that is germane to Revan1013's post: selling booze (liquor) on Sundays is not going to cure Santa Rosa's economic ills.


DD-214 in hand and I'm gonna party like it's 1998
Okaloosa County next door has been trying to do almost the same thing for years with the airport in Crestview (an industrial park attached to the airport to attract "good," "hi tech" jobs and all). (edit: KBay beat me to it.)

The joint use plan at Whiting could turn into a big, quiet, undeveloped corner of the base , it could backfire and crowd out the military activity (I doubt Whiting could ever grow into another Kelly, which besides being in a big city got BRAC'ed before it became an industrial park), or who knows... but if anything changes then I don't think it will be very much or very soon.

And on the bright side the Whiting plan includes an anti-encroachment plan: land buys and zoning of undeveloped land to non-residential. Encroachment --> noise complaints --> buh-bye base.


Death by Snoo Snoo
LSO, that wasn't my point.

I was referring to Santa Rosa County's illogical approach to generating revenue. It was sarcasm.

Also, just adding to the comments above already... having fixed wing traffic at South Field just seems like it'll crowd the already hectic situation down there. I can't see how this could be a good thing. It's an idea that may make sense on paper, but realistically just doesn't seem practical.