I don't disagree that OCS is easier now than it has been or AOCS was. Sure we had people get beat for all sorts of reasons, and people leaving rifles unlocked. Those guys got to go to their DI ask about the rifle, get RPTed and sent to DI schmukatelli who had it only to get RPTed by the other DI and sent to at least 3 more DIs for personal beat sessions.
I agree with the above that it did seem a bit easier to get through (in retrospect, although I received a lot of attention and thought I might attrite at the time) than I expected.
Bottom line is, I don't see how I'm a terrible ensign when compared with ensigns from AOCS because I didn't get beat "as much". Sounding off and bear crawling more doesn't make you a better ensign. It serves a purpose in training, but think about what the Navy is there to do at OCS. Just like people say OTS for the AF is ghey. Well the AF doesn't need to be intense like Marine OCS, because that isn't necessary for what they will be doing as 2LTs. There is a mission at OCS and I feel that it is being fulfilled with the current curriculum.
@Jdawg: There are more than 1 GySgt Jones. I know specifically of a black guy and the one currently there (white guy) so don't count on it. Especially if he's at OCS, I doubt he's a Marine Corps instructor.