New Member
How about next time you present yourself like you want to be an officer? I normally don't say "ne thing" about grammar, but some of the errors you made in your post were just too hard to let go without saying anything.
This isn't some internet gaming forum. I'm not saying you need to be perfect, but the "ne thing" , "ne wayz", and whatever need to be cut out if you want to be taken seriously. Of course the enlisted recruiter in Jacksonville did nothing for you, if you wanted to become an officer. They are only looking to get ENLISTED into the Navy.
Presenting yourself like you have half a brain and know what the hell is going on, is half the battle my friend. Good luck with the recruiting package.
My apologies with regards to the grammatical errors. I am new to this site and figured these were just opinions of peers that are going through or have gone through the same things that I am. Now that it has been brought to my attention, I will consider representing myself in a more professional tone. With that being said, i'm sure you can understand that I can see the errors that were made and didn't think that anyone would have a problem reading the questions or comments that I post in these forums. Thanks for the good luck ;o)
P.S. Jacksonville MEPS requires that all people with degrees talk to a recruiter on the officer side. Therefore, when i enlisted, I gained another recruiter that "Didn't do anything for me". I ended up transferring my documents that were filed toTallahassee where things were treated with a sense of urgency.