Drill baby drill!
A4sForever said:Not funny ???
Actually, this happens more times than you might imagine. I mean hanging oneself in the lavatory, head, or "biffy" as it's called in airline parlance. With the declining quality and quantity seen in airline inflight meals over the past 10 years or so --- we have noticed a sharp up-tick in the number of onboard hangings and self-mutilations. It usually occurs within the first hour or so after the meal service.
And suicide ??? Suicide is painless. You've heard the song. In fact, I recently counseled one of my less-than-stellar Second Officers to consider suicide instead of returning to the flight deck on the following day.
So not funny?? Of course it's not .... :icon_smil
hahha, sounds like they need to offer anti-depressants instead of the after dinner mint.