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LCDR Mike Hsu climbs Mt Everest


adrenaline junky
Speaking from the AF side, I was given permissive to go participate in the Bataan Memorial Death March. AF tends to grant permissive time for DoD related sports activities or world class activities or sanctioned events.
Which year(s) did you participate? I was going to go this year but couldn't because a few other things came up, but I am definately going to go this next year.


Fly Navy! ...or USMC
Super Moderator
Howdy Guys,

Saw this post, so I figure I'd add a couple cents.

We were deployed twice during my last tour, so I had 70 days of leave saved up. I burned 60 of them on this trip. I was very surprised the schoolhouse let me go, but I've been real lucky to have Skippers who were enthusiastic about climbing.

I was happy to pass my flight physical last week. Only 15 pounds lighter overall.

Donger (shoebox993@aol.com)

P.S. Heyjoe, did I run into you at the Fallon club?

Yes, c'est moi. I have been known to frequent the club when I'm in the area. Didn't put two and two (or Hsu) together! Congrats.....did you, by chance, solve the mystery of Irvine and Mallory and the second step?


New Member
No Camera, unfortunately

Howdy HeyJoe,

No, didn't find the camera unfortunately. However, there was a motivated Sherpa running around this year who has catalogued the location of almost every body on the North side of the mountain. If he'd found the camera, however, it would have hit the news by now.

The 2nd step wasn't quite as tough as I thought it would be. I used the ladder, though. It looked doable by a great climber, which Mallory was.


Fly Navy! ...or USMC
Super Moderator
How was the view while standing in the jetstream (so-to-speak)?


New Member
The View

A bit surreal -- hasn't quite sunk in yet. Got a pretty cool pic with a US flag and a bunch of old squadron patches. Looking down at all the rest of the Himalayas was pretty awesome. It was euphoric -- or hypoxic, take your pick. Then, of course, I thought about how it would only have taken several minutes to fly up to 29,000 feet in a Hornet or Viper...



Back from the range
Yes, c'est moi. I have been known to frequent the club when I'm in the area. Didn't put two and two (or Hsu) together! Congrats.....did you, by chance, solve the mystery of Irvine and Mallory and the second step?

Very cool Donger! Heard a sat phone interview on NPR last week about the search. I was half listening was that you they interviewed?