JC52083 said:
And I am wondering about Navy F/A-18F WSOs in particular...:icon_wink
I was at VFA-106 today discussing the transition of RIOs to WSOs*. There is more on the plate than ever. Every RIO/WSO strives to be a mission commander and even better is to get the qual as a FAC(A). If the WSO is senior in aircraft, section or division and has qual as a mission commander, you have the dot. Also can be a strike lead running the show for aircraft of several types. All of this should happen by time you are Dept Head if you want to be competitve for CO.
*Also spent two days with the APW-31 "RO" last week at Pax who is heading to Beaufort to take command of a F/A-18D squadron and is a experienced WSO...all of the above applies and is expected as you gain experience.