Thank you so much for replying. Did it take so long for you because of your age at which you started the whole process? Would you tell me about the interviews? I wasn't aware that an interview was part of the process. When do I do it, with whom, for what?When I started this I was a 28 year old female who, by virtue of being 28 years old and having life experience had baggage. Not a lot, but baggage happens as we get older.
I have the utmost respect for ORs that do a good job. I do also have some first hand knowledge of a recruiter who was just outright terrible at the job. That being said, applying to become a Naval Officer is not like applying for a civilian job. In that world you expect to hear back within a few days. You can follow up with the HR office and generally know within 2-6 weeks if you have been offered a job. For the Navy? Don't expect ANYTHING to happen quickly. In my case, it was almost 18 months and 8 days from the day I made first contact with my recruiter to the day that my husband swore me in as an ENS. In those 18 months I underwent multiple requests for information from the OR, interviews, a MEDREAD, MEPS (technically twice since the first time they cancelled my appt and never told me! lol) and a whole slew of other hoops through which I needed to jump. For now just relax and keep on doing what needs to be done. Get your transcripts from ALL schools together, get all medical records together, start talking to current and former employers to get recommendations/proof of employment, start getting in better shape, start working on your motivational statement, keep working on your tattoo removal. There is a lot you can do while your recruiter does what she needs to do. Give her a break and don't call every day. Trust me, it just pisses them off.
Oh, and I don't harass my OR - I've learned I need to be patient and just do my part the best I can.