I am a true believer that NOTHING replaces hardwork when it comes to fitness. You just have to have the mental discipline to work a little bit harder every time you train, and also to eat right always. It's not easy, and there are no "magic pills".
Amen... I'm deployed right now and have been working hard on getting into better shape. I'm down 27lbs in just over 40 days and it's not from starvation. It's from a LOT of hard work.
A friend gave me a copy of Eating for Life and Body for Life and it seems to work for me and several others here on the Det. As a group, we are all down a TON of weight. The program is simple, and being deployed makes it a lot easier to follow (Lot less distractions than at home). Lots of good & free workout info on www.bodyforlife.com . If you are trying to get started and are lost on the nutrition side, I would recommend the book Eating for Life by Bill Phillips. In respect to supplements, the author stresses that NO supplementation is required with a proper, balanced diet. He himself only uses Whey Protein (Met-Rx is what he endorses). I restrict my workouts to no more than 1 hour a day, 6 days a week because I want it to be something that becomes a habit that I could realistically expect to be able to do after returning from deployement.