Well-Known Member
flight hours doesn't matter, as it happens the people who came from my NRD who failed flight school often had their PPL or more, now making sure you don't get airsick in a small plane isn't a bad idea, we had 2 flight school fails (we didn't put them in) who went through our NRD on the way our due to not being able to overcome airsickness.
Meh. A couple of PPL flights is not going to prepare someone to not get air sick while flying a T-6. Full gear in the Florida sun with the helmet fire that primary brings just isn’t replicated.
Airsickness is not something to worry about. Like 60% of students get airsick and like 99% get through it. I was horribly sick on my first couple of flights but by the end of contacts I was completely fine, you get used to it quick.